New Devices

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The screen lit up and began playing a short little movie.

Welcome, this is aperture laboratories, and we are proud to announce our newest device! The size manipulator! A device that looked like the portal gun Cody had showed on screen and spun around.

Well thats interesting, Cody thought.

With this new device, you can make things grow and shrink on command!

And better yet, it works on people!

And not only that, but these new size manipulators will be used in tests!!

Well thats just great... Cody said to himself, he was a test subject at aperture laboratories.

His elevator stopped, he stepped out.
He walked down a hall untill he reached a room, inside the room was a gun that looked like a portal gun, it was thee same gun that showed on the screen, the size manipulator.
He picked it up, then looked at the exit, the exit was about an inch small.

He looked to the left, there was a companion cube that was about an inch small. Then there was a normal size button next to the tiny door.

Cody took the size manipulator and flicked the switch to grow, he shot the cube, the cube grew to a normal size, he put it on the button.

Then Cody took the size manipulator, flicked the switch to shrink, pointed it at himself and fired, he shrunk to about 2 inches tall.
The cube pushed the button down and opened the door, Cody, now being two inches tall, the same as the door, walked through.

He walked down a hallway and proceeded into an elevator to his next test chamber.

The elevator went down.

But all of a sudden the elevator smashed, and began flying through the air, something had destroyed the tube that was guiding it.
Cody looked around, he saw  a giant girl, she had smashed his elevator tube, and she was staring directly at him...

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