"Why are you both so quiet?" Mrs Grey asked.

"I don't know...why aren't you talking Noah?" I probed.

"Because I don't want to talk to anyone right now," he scoffed.

"N-noah?" I managed to say.

He groaned and got out of his seat, storming up the stairs. I frowned. Was he okay? He was totally fine when we were are the hospital. I looked at Mrs Grey, who seemed just as worried as I was. She sighed and shook her head.

"Can you go see what happened to him?" she begged.

"Yes of course..." I replied.

I got out of my seat and walked up the stairs slowly. He seemed really upset and disturbed. Was he still upset from Marissa's party. He can't be...he was totally fine after that. I walked towards Noah's room and tried opening the door. No use. He locked it. I frowned again and knocked on it loudly.

"Noah?! Is everything okay in there?!" I called.

"I'm fine...okay," he stammered.

I fell silent. Was he crying? I knocked on the door again, louder this time. No reply. I looked down at the floor. He sounded so upset and heartbroken. I went downstairs to his mother, who was still sitting at the table worriedly.

"He locked the door...and he won't open the door or tell me what's going on. He was crying...and I'm quite worried," I said.

"Oh lord. That's exactly how he acted before you came. I hope he doesn't become like that again," his mother whispered worriedly.

I hoped so to...

Noah's POV:

I was honestly not in the mood to see anyone. Or even talk to anyone. I was falling in love with the wrong people. All those who I love...leave. Like my father. My friends. And soon it'll be Peyton. I couldn't believe I was crying. I don't usually cry that much. Even when my dad died, I cried for about a month and then stopped. Now was different though.

You're not helping...nothing's helping! It all suck's! It's all stupid! Why is so hard to find someone who actually cares!

I did find someone who actually cares. Well at least I think she cares. I placed my head in my hands and sighed.

Quit crying Noah. It's not gonna help at all. It didn't help bring your dad back to life...so it's definitely not going to make Peyton stay for longer...

Peyton's POV:

Noah had been locked up in his room for about 8 hours right now. He hadn't got out...or even thought about unlocking his door. I sat on my bed worriedly, looking in front of me. Noah was on the other side of the wall, doing god knows what. It was almost nine o'clock, and Noah's mother was asleep. I wondered if he was too.

I got up from my bed and walked towards his room. I grabbed onto the door handle and turned it. Surprisingly, it was open. I entered the room and looked at Noah silently. He was sitting down on his bed quietly, not moving a single muscle. I sat beside him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Noah...are you okay? Whatever's wrong...you can tell me," I whispered.

He didn't reply. I got up and sat in front of him, holding onto his hands tightly. He didn't even move an inch or even blink. I bit my lip worriedly and gave his hands a little squeeze, hoping he would tell me what's wrong.

"Noah. Whatever happened...I can help," I continued.

Noah let in a deep breath and slowly shook his head. I got up and walked to the other side of the room, leaning against the wall. He seemed like he was in his own universe. He seemed so lost and his eyes were unreadable. I sat down on the floor and placed my head in my hands. I don't know why I was so worried about him.

I wanted to help him out, but it seemed like he didn't even want me around. It's like he changed the moment I started having feelings for him. He usually smiles and becomes cheerful whenever I'm around. What if he wasn't upset because of me? What if it was because of his dad? If he is, then I don't blame him for feeling that way. But he still has no right to just keep me out of it. They hired me to help him out and be his friend. I got up again and sat on the floor in front of him, shaking him gently.

"Noah please tell me what's wrong. I hate being left out like this. Noah I'm here to help you, not just sit around while you're dying deep inside!" I demanded.

No reply.

"Noah answer me. Please, say any sentence...any word...just do anything to show me why you're upset!" I exclaimed.

Still no reply.

"Noah I can help you! Noah answer me! Noah please for god's sake tell me why on earth you're so miserable! Don't just leave me here worried sick about you!" I yelled.

I fell silent and stared into Noah's eyes. He still didn't reply. I was just sitting there on the floor like a complete idiot. I leaned my head on his knees and sighed again. It was no use. He clearly didn't want my help. I kept my head on my knees. I was so hopeless I couldn't even get up. I felt Noah lift his hand and stroke my hair gently. I looked up at him, his eyes staring back at mine.

"I don't want you to leave Peyton..." he whispered.

"W-what..." I stammered.

"I don't want you to leave. I know what's going to happen. You're going to pay for your brother's surgery and then you're going to leave. I was happy...whenever you were around. Until I realized that. It's like my happiness can never last. All the people I love end up leaving. And that's what's killing me. I'm like you Peyton. I cant afford to get hurt again. I can't afford to have my heart break again..." he explained.

Noah's POV:

Peyton was smiling a little, but she still had tears in her eyes. I helped her to her feet and she sat beside me on the bed. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.

"I...I love you Peyton..." I managed to say.

But she was already asleep....

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