With a pair of scissors in my hand, I head to the small washroom in our cabin and begin trimming my hair, getting rid of the excessive pony tail tied behind my head. It feels immensely lighter just chopping the bloody thing off. It appears with the human population evolving, hair cuts have too. Almost no man wears long hair any more, which is why Elijah cut his over a month ago. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner.

I finally put down the scissors down and take a look in the mirror, analyzing the new look of James Branson. It looks different, new and fresh. I've got to say, I like this era's sense of fashion.

"I can finally see your face now," Elijah comments from behind me, although I don't jump; I heard him the moment he stepped in the room. "Looks good."

"Yeah, it was long over due." I shrug, fixing all the loose strands of hair. "Heard anything from Finn?" I ask, glancing at Elijah through the mirror. We haven't heard from Finn in a week, which is unusual seeing as Finn is a pretty organized and loyal guy.

"Nothing." Elijah shakes his head, concern in his voice. "Kol is supposed to meet us in a few minutes. We should head down to the bar," he informs me before leaving me alone again.

I inhale deeply, gathering my thoughts before taking off downstairs to the bar that is already filled with people. I'm not surprised, as the evening rush should be happening any minute. I spot Elijah sitting in the corner of the building, taking a seat by the window. It's one of the things going on the run has taught us; the corner table by the window is always the best seat, seeing as you can observe the whole room peacefully while keeping an eye on the outside.

I grab a seat across from Elijah as suddenly the front door to the bar opens, the bell ringing to signal someone has walked in. Elijah nods at me, and I turn around, locking eyes with a very frantic Kol. He rushes over to us, running a hand through his dark brown hair while looking all around him like he's looking for someone; like he's being watched.

"Kol, what's wrong?" Elijah asks immediately as Kol sits beside me. I can hear his heart racing and feel his body shaking from beside me.

"We've got a major problem. Several problems actually. I've learned a lot on my scouting missions," he remarks rather quickly, rambling out his words while glancing over his shoulder.

"Well spit them out then," Elijah encourages, leaning forwards across the table. Both of us eager to hear what he has to say.

"Klaus daggered Finn a week ago, stuffed him in a casket and locked him away. I-I don't know where he is so don't bother asking. He knew Finn was spying on him and-"

"Wait, what do you mean daggered?" Elijah stops Kol, interrupting him.

"Like stabbed in the heart with some special knife, one that must be made from the white oak tree used during our creation spell. I-I don't know where he got it, but it sends original vampires into a deep sleep. I saw Finn's body, it was covered in grey veins, like he was dead."

"Was he?" I blurt out. "Dead, I mean?"

"No, we can't die you idiot." Kol shakes his head. "I believe when the dagger is removed, Finn will wake."

"How many daggers does he have?" Elijah begins to panic.

"I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if he has one for each of us." Kol takes a deep breath. "Anyways, if he was able to figure out Finn was spying on him, what's to say he won't figure out that I am too?" Kol whispers lowly.

"So he's close then? He knows where we are?" I question eagerly, liking my lips in anticipation.

"Oh I wouldn't doubt it." Kol laughs nervously. "He's hungry for that moonstone, but he's also desperate to talk to you." He pauses, glancing over at me.

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