Chapter 6

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Horus (YAY!!!!)~

"Things would be different if I could dwell amongst my children in the garden of the Nile. It is my burden to fight the demon Apophis night after night. Egypt must never be destroyed by chaos. So, you see, there are things worse than Set."grandfather told me.

"Your wrong. That demon isn't the one who murdered my father. Murdered your son."I replied.

"They are both my sons. They were both equal in my eyes. As is all of my creation. And the uncertainty of its destiny is my will." He shrunk down to his normal size before me. "So what is it actually that brings you here?"Ra asked.

"Allow me to fill my flask with these waters." He turned around to me.

"The waters are not mine." I nodded and walked towards the edge of the boat and filled the flask. "You plan to quench the desert fire. To kill Set. And become King as your father wished."grandfather stated.

"Grant me the power to fly again."

"I heard your prayer the first time. I let you come here and I grant you passage home. But after that?"

"Without both my eyes, I doubt I'm strong enough to beat Set."I confessed.

"So become stronger. Have you been so lazy for so long that you've forgotten that every God's life is a journey? When you stray from your path, you grow weak."Ra stated.

"Hey!"I heard the mortal yell from below.

"Why are you lugging around this mortal?" "She had the balls to strike a bargain with me."I informed him.


"AT LEAST I HAVE MORE OF WHAT'S UNDER YOUR SKIRT THAN YOU DO!!!!"I heard her yell again. I ignored her.

"Not worth the papyrus it's written on, hmm? Well I do have to say, she is very beautiful and has a clever mouth."

"Her mouth is what is going to get her killed."I snapped back. "But what does it matter? She is but a mortal."I stated. Ra got up from his chair and stood next to me.

"I do not approve of how Set rules. But I'm uncertain you would be much better." Ouch.


Horus finally let me out and we flew back towards to ground. Suddenly, Horus began to change back to his normal form which caused us to fall. Luckily we were already close to the ground.

"Maybe next time, keep flying until we're actually on the ground."I suggested sarcastically.

"What Ra gave, he took back."Horus replied. I shook the dirt out of my hair.

"I thought he was helping you."

"I got what I needed. The whole of the Nile cannot quench Set's fire. But a few drops from the water of Creation can."

"Kill the desert."

"With his fire gone, Set will be weakened. Vulnerable." I started getting more thirsty by the minute.

"What would happen if I drank that?"I asked curiously.

"You would be refreshed. Then you would die." I thought about what he said for a moment.  

"It doesn't seem right that the water of Creation would kill."I said getting up and dusting off my dress.

"I would kill you. For wasting my water." He tossed me a container.

"What's this?"I asked holding the container.

"So you don't have bring me something to drink cupped in your hands." Is he for real?

"I'm not your slave."I said trying to hand it back to him.

"My father taught me it's unworthy of a God to strike a woman."

"He should have taught you to get off your ass and get your own water."I sassed back. He gave me an annoyed look. "But since I'm being extra nice today and I'm only doing this for my sister and not you or anyone else, fine." I took the container and went to get the ass of a God some water. I finished filling it and to add my own special touch, I spit in it. I heard something jump behind me and before I knew it, I was being tossed on top of a giant rock. I looked behind me and there were more creatures of what threw me behind me. The leader made its way through the group and grabbed me by the throat.

"This is becoming unacceptable."I said as I was picked up and held over the river.

"Where is the Eye of Horus?"the creature asked.

"Up your behind, alongside the goats you keep up there."I responded cracking a smile.

"Where is the Eye of Horus?"the creature asked again but this time holding me over more prominently.

"Right here."I heard Horus say. This as to be the only time I have ever been happy to see him.

"I thought you were crawling sightless in the mud somewhere."the creature said gripping my neck tighter. How do I keep finding myself in these situations? "Cut him down!"the creature yelled. Began fighting them off one by one. Until he was cut, then he lost focus. "See brothers? Without his other eye, he is weak."the creature holding my neck exclaimed. So these were his brothers? They look nothing alike. Horus began fighting again and started kicking ass. And then he started getting his ass handed to him again. And then he started kicking ass again. Pick a side dude! Once every creature that was fighting Horus was gone, he turned around and the creature dropped me. I thought I was going to die, but I ended up on a rock about 10 feet below where I was.


"Even if I were blind, deaf, bereft of limbs, you're still no match for me."I said after I stabbed the beast. I went to the edge to see if Bek was alive and she was.

"You'll be glad to know I didn't fall to my death."she yelled up.

"Praise Ra."I said sarcastically.

"Was that sarcasm I just heard?" She catches on quick.

"You do know the deal doesn't count if I die. The whole point is for Zaya and I both to be here, together. Breathing!"she yelled up. "Behind you!" I looked behind me and ended up getting hit with a rock.


Horus fell and I dove in after him. "Horus!"I yelled hoping we'd wake. "Horus!"I yelled again. I grabbed onto Horus' leg and we fell down a waterfall. I screamed the entire way down like a sissy. "Oh, Ra, dear Ra, please, help us!"I yelled as we fell. "Horus!"I yelled in my last attempt to wake him. "We are going to die!"I yelled to myself. Suddenly, Horus FINALLY woke up and reached for his sword-like weapon which then transformed into a spear and stopped us from falling.

"After you."he said. I cursed under my breath and jumped. Horus and I both ended up on the shore safely.

"Are you sure you can do this?"I asked as we glanced up at the rock where Horus and I almost died. How is that damn creature still alive?

"I saved you, didn't ?" I looked at him in shock.

"Oh, you saved me?"

"Only because you're useful to me." Why is he like this? "You know what would be useful? Your other eye. I could steal it back for you if you like."I stated.

"Don't test my patience, mortal." I have had enough of this.

"My name is not "mortal"!"I shouted.

"What is it, then?"he asked turning around.


"Very well, Bek. The roads will be watched now. Set will send better hunters."

Gods of Egypt (Horus x Female Bek)Where stories live. Discover now