Chapter 3

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And so Set was King. In the year that followed, many Gods stood against him. One by one, they paid with their lives. For mortals, things were worse. Most were forced into slavery, and denied even the tiniest penny to buy our way into the Afterlife. Blinded and defeated, Horus withdrew into exile. Those who prayed for him to save Egypt were sorely disappointed. But I was never much for prayer. I had found Zaya enslaved to a cruel master. But how could I free her from all this? It was the maddest of all plans.


I heard every cruel word he said to her, which only made me want to throttle him even more. I snuck up behind Zaya.

"I'd like to drop him from a great height. Morning." I dragged her to the doorway that let us see almost everything. "One day I'm going to steal you away from him."I promised her.

"Is theft always the answer?"

"It is now in this world. You're either rich or nothing." I looked out the door to make sure that no one saw me. If they did, then they would kill Zaya for sure.

"Even if you could free me, what about our friends? Can  you steal all Egypt away from Set?"she asked. I scoffed. "Only Horus can free us." Why does she have so much faith in him?

"You really think the Gods care?"

"If Horus could come, he would."Zaya defended. "I want to show you something." Zaya began dragging me outside and towards a telescope. "Set's army returns with spoils of war. His vault will be unlocked tonight. The perfect time for someone to sneak inside."

"Why?"I asked before looking into the telescope again.

"They say Horus' eyes are kept there. He would have his power again." I couldn't believe what she was implying.

"Steal from a God? Only a madman would try such a thing."I explained.

"Where do you suppose we could find someone so mad?" I looked at her in disbelief. Pretty soon I was agreeing to this impossible task and we were in a room full of building plans.

"The plans should be here. Urshu built the vault. He's Set's architect." I unfolded a scroll that looked like a pit to make a feast.

"What's this?"I asked Zaya holding it up. "Uh, Set's pyramid of sand."she told me.

"He's built himself quite the fire pit. He must cook massive feasts."I said examining the scroll.

"It's the pit to the center of the world. The source of his power. No feasts. Found it." Zaya showed me the scroll.

"The treasure will pass through the front gate."

"The front gate isn't the problem. It's what comes after. Two bridges rigged with traps. Urshu boasts of them endlessly."

"Good thing I'm cheating." Zaya and I planned the rest of the day on how I would get into the vault.


A few hours later nightfall came and it was time for me to sneak in. I climbed onto the roof of one of the homes and waited for the cart full of treasure to pass by. Once it did, I jumped into it and hoped that the driver didn't hear me. Luckily he didn't notice. What I didn't expect though was to be dumped into the vault. But right before I fell to the bottom, I jumped onto the ledge that was shown on the scroll. I got up quickly and examined what was before me. I kicked down a pebble onto the bottom of the vault and I noticed many scorpions gather around it.

"Where do you even get that may scorpions?"I asked myself. I lit a torch and held it above me. It cast my shadow so long so that I could see which spot on the first bridge I should avoid. When the shadow found that spot, what must have been a thousand spikes came up and the bridge folded. Now if I hadn't of cast the shadow, I would have been dead. "Enough to make you afraid of your own shadow."

I kept the torch over my head and walked forward. I walked around the spots on the bridge and made it to the end of the first bridge. On the second bridge, there was a circle with an eye in the middle of it.

"The circle is the trigger. So I'll go around." I walked around and circle and I started to walked through the next half of the bridge when the animals with swords started moving and acting like they were fighting something. Me. I was able to get out of harm's way and to my surprise, there was another bridge. "Another bridge? It didn't say anything about a third bridge. And only one eye." I shook my head. "Terrific. Zaya, you'd say a prayer, I'll roll the bones."  I started running over the last bridge when I realized that the parts my feet had already touched began falling to the ground. I jumped when I reached the end and before I fell, I captured the eye in my hand.

Gods of Egypt (Horus x Female Bek)Where stories live. Discover now