just a regular day. (part one)

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(Bella's pov.) Ahh just a regular day in the state of Tennessee. I was walking to school with my best friend Emily, she had come to pick me up in her Gray Ford. It was the end of the year and the whole school was celebrating it. So I, was going to celebrate it with Mettation and Emily. Oh sorry you must be wondering who this is heh, well I'm Bella, Bella Knight. I am the usually smart, sassy, cool, hot, girl but, enough about me. Let's go back to what I was doing. We, me and Emily are now parking and going into the school yard. Mettation was running up to us, "Hey Emily Bella!" She nearly yelled stopping in front of us. "So have y'all planned how to celebrate?" She asked looking at both of us, Emily, who is usually the smarter person in the group opened her mouth. "Well I was planning to have a sleep over." She said looking at Mettation then me. "Sure, sounds fun." I said smiling at her. "So, where are we gonna have it?" Mettation asked looking at Emily. "Well. I was planning on having it at my house." Emily explained, I thought that was a great idea so I spoke up. "Sure! It sounds great!" I nearly yelled and then the bell rang. "Oops looks like we gotta go" Mettation said looking at us and setting a pace. (Time skip too when they got to Emily's house.) We got out of Emily's ford and walked toward the door single file. Emily opened the door and we stormed into the front room. "Mom I'm home!" Emily yelled and then we heard a another yell. "OK!" Her mom shouted back. "I'm going to have a sleepover like I told you!" She shouted and I guess her mom nodded because Emily hurried up the stairs, opened her bed room door and lead us in.

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