Now Dust

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Mara's POV

"Clary, wait!" I yelled over to the red headed girl.
"What do you want?" She asked me.
"I told Izzy and Alec I was coming with you, you may not be okay with me but I want to help." I told her.
"Fine." She said.
"Where exactly are we going?" I asked her. "To find Jace."
"He's on some ship with Valentine." She told me. I nodded.

We found the ship. It turns out that Valentine had killed Michael Wayland and his son and faked his and Jace's death. Valentine was both Clary and Jace's dad.

--time gap--(jump to when Clary and Jace jump off of the boat)

I struggled to breathe. I was falling in and out of the water with the cold waves crashing in every direction. Why did we do this at night? I could feel my eyes falling and eventually it went black the last thing I remember was being pulled out.

I opened my eyes and I was lying on some sand. I looked around and I was under the Brooklyn Bridge. I stood up and I saw Isabelle, Alec, Jace, Clary and Simon.
"Hey." I said.
"Hi." Everyone said in a low voice except Jace.
"Why don't we celebrate getting Jace back?" I asked them.
"You know that's not a bad idea I could use a drink." Simon said.
"Great, let's go back to the Hotel Dumort."

We got to hotel and everyone was in a better mood but Alec still wasn't talking to me and neither was Jace. Isabelle and Clary had finally accepted me.
"I will be right back." I told them. I then left the room to go and get the drinks. I pulled a glass out of a tall cupboard and I heard some footsteps behind me. Jace.
"Look, whatever your going to say, I'm sorry." I told him.
"It's not me you should be saying sorry to." Jace told me angrily.
"Not gonna lie but if you hadn't of ran off with Valentine in the first place you would have known that I have apologised multiple times." I argued.
"I did it to protect him." He shouted. He then came towards me and pinned me on the wall. I pushed him backwards and he pulled out a knife from the kitchen side. He threw it at me and it sliced the slide of my arm. I picked it up and ran towards him to stab him and he pushed me back. By now Isabelle, Clary, Alec and Simon were in the room. Jace then pinned me down on the floor and pulled out his sword.

"No Alec don't let him do this!" I screamed. The blonde haired boy wasn't hesitating to shoot. "Isabelle? Clary?" All three of the other shadow hunters were staring. "Simon?" Simon stood there. Why wasn't he getting Raphael. "Don't please!" I screamed. "I'm sorry. Help!" I screamed as loud as I could.

Alec's POV

I watched as she screamed. Jace had her pinned down and he pulled his sword out. I wanted to stop him but I couldn't. I felt a fear run down my face. I couldn't watch but I couldn't stop looking. Then at that moment Jace stabbed the girl I loved. Mara. Liv. Vampire. Downworlder. He took her life and now I feel like apart of me was missing. I wish I could have forgiven her. I then watched at her body then evaporated into dust.

I think I'm falling for her. (Alec Lightwood Fanfic)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now