2. Interrogation (Prompt)

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I squinted against the bright light shining on my face. I had just woken up, and I was extremely confused. The thick steel walls surrounding me seemed far from familiar, and the man in front of me wasn't someone I recognized in the least. He had very pale skin and dark hair as far as I could tell. As my vision cleared, I saw that he was wearing thin, rectangular glasses with polarized lenses and a dark red frame. His hair, dark as it was, still had a greasy texture as though it had not been washed for a few days. There were large dark bags under his eyes, suggesting that it had been a while since he slept properly. He looked at me with a cold glare that only someone that looked like him could pull off.

"Where is it?" He asked me harshly, his scratchy voice reminding me of Bad Cop from the Lego Movie.

I looked at the man's glasses, as I couldn't properly see his eyes, and told him...

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