Chapter 9

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I laid on my stomach on my bed, coloring in my coloring book and my legs up behind me and swinging. My phone rang and I smiled when I saw it was Dallon.

"Hi, Dallon!" I chirped.

"Hey, baby," he said. "Wanna come over? No one's home."

"Yeah!" I agreed excitedly.

"Alright, I'll see you soon," he said then hung up.

I got up and giggled, making sure my outfit was nice. I went downstairs and grabbed the car keys. Mikey was up in his room with a friend and my mom was at work, Gerard was watching tv. At least, I thought he was until I heard footsteps behind me and jumped in fright.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed.

"Where are you going?" Gerard asked.

"Dallon's house," I said. "No one's home so he invited me over."

"You know what that means, right?" Gerard asked and I looked at him in confusion. "It means he wants sex."

"Not necessarily, maybe he just wants to watch cartoons," I said.

"No, Frank, he doesn't," Gerard denied.

I whimpered and looked down from his harsh tone.


"No," Gerard denied, snatching the keys from my eyes.

I felt my lip quivering but I didn't want to be sad, I wanted to be mad. Gerard was mad and I wanted to be mad too.

"Why do you care?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Because he's a fucking asshole who almost fucking raped you last week!" Gerard shouted.

"But he just loves me!" I yelled.

"No he doesn't!" He yelled. "He doesn't fucking love you and you don't love him!"

"Yes I do, you stupid head!" I shouted.

"You're not seeing him ever again," Gerard denied.

I grabbed for the keys but he held them above my head. My lip quivered as I shoved him. Gerard raised his eyebrows, dropping the keys and pushing me against the wall. His lips collided with mine in a hot, rough, messy kiss that I gladly accepted. It felt like sparks shooting all through my body.

I gasped, tangling my hands in his hair as his body pressed against mine. It's like I've been craving his kiss and I just couldn't get enough.

Gerard picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me upstairs to the bedroom and set me on his bed. Our lips barely disconnected in the process, still making out heavily as he laid on top of me.

But then all of a sudden he pulled away and left the room, shutting the door behind him. I could hear him in the hallway pacing and cursing. I whimpered, pulling the blanket over my head as I curled into a ball.

My lips felt a little swollen and my hair was messed up from his hands. But I could still feel my heart beating fast and what almost was like electricity within me, something I never felt with Dallon and I wanted more. But I don't Gerard did, I don't think he liked it.

The door opened and I felt Gerard sit beside me. He pulled the blanket from me and laid down. His arms wrapped around me and I buried my face into the crook of his neck as I sniffled.

"Don't cry, Little Button," Gerard whispered.

I hugged him tight and he rubbed my back.

"D-did you not like it?" I asked.

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