Chapter 1

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I woke up, groaning quietly as I rubbed my eyes. I looked over and saw the person still sleeping in the bed across the room. I got out of bed, grabbing Turtle as I headed downstairs. I smelled food and I smiled, sitting down at the table.

"Good morning, Frankie," my mom said.

"Morning," I mumbled, still a little sleepy.

She wasn't my actual mom, but she has raised me. I've been calling her mom for as long as I can remember and that's what suited her most.

"Can you help me set the table?" She asked.

I nodded and got up, grabbing the plates and forks and set up four settings nicely.

"Go wake up your brothers," she said.

Again, not my actual brothers. But I've grown up with them for fourteen years and it feels like they're my brothers.

I hurried up to Mikey's room but saw he was already awake, sitting on his phone. He glanced over at me and gave me a small wave.

"Breakfast is ready," I said.

I went to mine and Gerard's room after that. I was originally supposed to share a room with Mikey because we're the same age, but Gerard's bedroom is bigger. Mikey and I was supposed to switch rooms with Gerard but he didn't want to give up his room so we just share it instead.

I don't mind, I like Gerard. He's really nice. He's got black dyed hair and even dyed my hair black for me too because I wanted to be just like him. He's said he's wanted tattoos but he's afraid of needles but I'm not so I got tattoos. Gerard thought they were really cool and I was so happy that he thought that. I wanted him to like me so much, I would do anything for his approval. I wear eyeliner like him and I like to hang around him and his friends. I listened to the same music he did and watched the same tv shows. I even tried smoking like him but I didn't like it. In high school I always seemed to follow him around like a shadow but he didn't mind. But he isn't in school anymore so I'm always excited to see him when I get home, he's my best friend.

It's always been like that, ever since I was little. Mom liked to call me Mini Gerard. I would dress up in his clothes that were far too big for me, even now I still do that. I tried to talk like him and act like him. He was just such a good person and I wanted to be just like him. Gerard is the coolest person I've ever met.

I crawled on top of where he was sleeping and shook him lightly. I giggled as he groaned quietly and pulled the blanket over his head.

"Morning, sleepy head!" I cheered.

Gerard sighed, pulling the blanket down as he gave me a soft smile.

"Morning, Button," he mumbled.

I giggled, giving him a hug. Gerard always calls me Button because he says I'm as cute as a button.

"Breakfast is ready," I said.

"But it's so nice and comfortable in bed," Gerard grumbled unhappily.

I kissed his forehead and he immediately smiled again.

"Can we go to the mall today?" I asked. "There's some clothes I want."

"Yeah, Button, we can do that," he agreed.

I giggled happily and pulled him up to his feet. I laughed at the sight of his batman boxers. Gerard pulled on a black t-shirt and walked downstairs with me. I hopped onto his back and he groaned at the sudden weight. Gerard carried me downstairs to the kitchen. We all sat down and ate happily as I sat with Turtle in my lap.

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