{~Chapter Two: First Day of My Life~}

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You were sound asleep, laying in your nice comfy bed. You slept with the pleasant thought of living with your brother. The guy who was your best friend and protected you from anyone who wanted to hurt you.

Well, the nice thought didn't last long- Your bedroom door opened suddenly and Mark came running in. He started to jump up and down on your bed. "Mark.. MARK-" You yelled sleeply. "Yes little sis?" He asked continue to jump.

"If you don't get off my bed right now, I swear to god- I will kick you in the dick so hard, it'll turn into a vagina and start bleeding like you're on your period-" You threatened. Mark immediately stopped jumping and slowly got off your bed. "You know- I'd rather keep my genitals thanks-" He said which made you laugh.

You sat up in bed and looked over at Mark. "So, is there a reason why you woke me up?" You asked while crossing your arms. "Well- I was going to head to work and make some videos with my two best buddies, I thought you'd like to meet them!" He said smiling.

You thought about it for a second. 'Why not, I could make a few new friends!' You thought. "Okay, let me get ready and we can head out-" You said smiling. "You better be fast-! We're leaving in five minutes-" Mark said as he left the room.

"Thanks for giving me all the time in the world asshole!" You said loudly with a sigh. Since you didn't have much time, you decided to throw on a sweatshirt and some jeans. 'Eh, it's good enough-' You thought while brushing through your hair.

"LEAVING IN ONE MINUTE-" Mark called from downstairs. You quickly grabbed some shoes and particularly ripped your phone off its charger. You began going down the stairs while doing your best to put on your shoes. Of course, it didn't go well.

One thing lead to another and you went rolling down the stairs and landed face first on the ground. Mark stared down at you. "I swear.. Sometimes you're as bad as me-" He said while laughing and helping you up.

You got up and faces towards him. You gave him a quick side hug. "Thanks for helping me up-" You then proceed to slap him across the face. "And that's for laughing at me while I laid on the ground in pain-" You said.

"I don't know whether I would 'awe' from the hug or scream out in pain from the slap." He said while holding his cheek. You laughed and headed outside to the car. "Come on slow poke!" You yelled back and got into the car.

Mark followed after you and started up the car. "I think you'll really like my friends, I mean you already know Tyler-" He started while driving. "Oh half baby faced man-" You said while laughing.

"Aka, Tyler. But they're all really awesome people. You for sure get along with them!"Mark said happily. You smiled in excitement, it felt like today was really going to be the first day of your life. You sighed happily and stared out the window. Finally, things would go your way.

{A/n; SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE!! I've been crazy busy ;-;}

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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