Chapter 1

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Louis' POV:

Sweat dripped down my neck and back as I stared at the players that were in front of me, trying to block me. I set the ball in motion, kicking it between my feet as I ran down the field to our goal. I passed it over to Niall who kicked it around the group of players that had surrounded me. He passed it back and I passed the ball between my feet, nearing the goal, my heart racing in anticipation. I was about 3 feet away from the goal and I threw my leg back to kick the ball into the net and as I did, I felt hands on my shoulder and a leg between mine, pushing me to the ground and away from the ball.

 "That's a foul!" Niall yelled as he helped me up. I coughed, gaining my breath back as I stood up and wiped the dirt off of me. The coach of the kid that tripped me yelled at him as the Ref gave me a penalty shot. I smirked at him; he should've known better. I stood in front of the goal, the ball a couple inches in front of me and both teams behind me. The opposing team was shouting, trying to distract me but I completely tuned them out, focusing on the goal. I took a deep breath, taking a few steps back and ran towards the ball, kicking it right into the goal, right through the goalie's hands. My team cheered and ran over to me, clapping me on the back as we got back into positions. 

There a minute left of the game and I ran up and down the field, keeping an eye on the ball. Zayn passed it to Liam and Liam passed it to Niall and then it was passed to me. I ran, keeping the ball only a few inches in front of me, nearing the goal. The people in the stands were chanting my name and it sent more adrenaline through me. The goalie was crouched, ready to block my shot but it didn't matter; I kicked the ball, sending it straight into the goal, the goalie missing it by an inch. The time ran out and we won 3-2. The stands erupted in cheers and my team surrounded me, clapping me on the back and high fiving me.

"Nice shot mate!" Zayn said as I wiped my face with the bottom on my jersey. Niall came up behind me and crawled between my legs, picking me up on his shoulders. Zayn and Liam started chanting my name, making everyone else chant with them. I couldn't keep the smile off my face; for the first time in the 3 years I've been playing soccer for the school, we were going to playoffs.

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