Interview 1on1 Part 3

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"Carol, how are you?" I ask, standing to kiss her on the cheek.

"Great! Had one too many wines and bought too much Tupperware, again. I have that stuff spilling out of my cupboards already," she returns the kiss on my cheek together with a warm embrace.

"Are you joining us for a drink, mum?" Paige asks.

"No thanks, honey, I'll leave you three to discuss the nitty gritty of the new book. Sounds like a lot of fun for you girls. Good to see you again, Tiffany. Give my love to your beautiful sister. Night, Paige," Carol says, waving and blowing kisses goodnight.

"I shall do. Goodnight, Carol," I smile back at her.

Greg sits back down relaxing his large frame deep into the sofa.

"Well, Tiff, have you got any questions?" he asks.

"The best thing is for me to go through the guidelines you've no doubt have for me and see what I like and don't like."

"As it so happens I have it right here. Just think you haven't had one day off in the last two years so a break will do you good. You'll have a hire car and when you're not writing you can trip around and see the sights. Most functions will be at night so when you're not documenting the previous evening, the day is yours to do whatever you want. I can guarantee Paige will want to see all the tourist attractions," he looks over to smile at Paige.

If only he had heard our conversation moments ago, I don't think he'd be smiling. He hands me an A4 piece of paper with a list of hand written instructions.


1. Minimum three men per city including one online date

2. Aged between twenty five and forty - any nationality but must be an Australian resident

3. They must approach you

4. Keep the same story - you're on a holiday looking to move permanently to this destination

5. Online dating - use the same information just change destination

6. Ask same questions – generally about themselves, job, residence, hobbies and previous relationships (tread carefully), future relationships

7. Must attend all functions organised

8. Must stay in hotel organised

9. Paige is to be with you at all times (especially in the evenings)

10. Personal alarms to be kept on person at all times

11. Do not over indulge in alcohol – always be in control

12. If further liaison is foreseeable the adjoining rooms must be used

13. All locations, interactions and conversations to be documented

14. No names are to be used – each man is to be called 'Subject one, Subject two etc'

15. When not writing during the day, the time is free to do as you please

16. Manuscript to be updated daily and emailed through every week

17. A hire car will be available at all times

18. A credit card with five thousand dollars will be available for expenses and topped up when required – receipts to be scanned through every week

Remember – try not to sound like a reporter fishing for information. We want them relaxed and not on guard telling you what he thinks you want to hear. When writing don't be the 'judge and jury' because 'he' isn't the guy you'd take home to meet your mum. Your opinion is what I want and you can explain early in the book that your taste is of a committed woman but don't discriminate against those who don't want a commitment. The book is for all the diverse lifestyles and should read similar.

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