BasicallyIDoWrk - Silence

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(Y/N's POV)

Every time I play with them.. Marcel's quiet.. I watch his videos all the time, and his friends' videos, and he's usually screaming and shouting. What is going on?

I think the others have noticed too. We've been playing GTA and they keep asking him what's wrong. He doesn't answer. He'll talk once in a while, but after that, he's quiet for a while.

I feel a buzz in my pocket. I take out my phone and see that Tyler has texted me.

Come over to my house. I wanna try something.

Okay.. without thinking twice about it, I tell everyone I'm getting off, and then head to Tyler's house.

"I think I know why he's been quiet." Tyler says as I enter the front door.

I'm confused. "Wait what?"

"Marcel. I think I know why he's been so quiet. It's usually only when you're playing with us, right?"

I nod. "He likes you!!"

I give him a weird look. "No he doesn't."

"Yes he does! I guarantee he does! And I know you like him too."

I give him a look. "How?"

"Simple. You get very happy when he joins, then really depressed when he doesn't speak."

I look down. That means probably everyone knows. Except Delirious, maybe.. he's.. something else, especially when it comes to things like this. But I still wouldn't trade him for anyone else!

"Here. I'll prove it to you! My mic's muted, but I'm gonna plug in this extra pair and try to get him to spill while you're 'gone' okay? And don't worry, they're already muted too."

I slip the headphones on, growing curious. "Okay.. but are you sure about this?"

He nods. "Positive. All the other guys know, I texted them the plan as well. And they're totally on board with it. Now, are you?"

I think, but eventually nod.

He plugs in the other headset, and I stay out of range of the camera. He unmutes his mic.

"I'm back fuckers!" He yells.

"Hey bitch!" Marcel screams. Really?

"So Marcel. Everyone's noticed it. What's up with you when (Y/N) plays with us?" Tyler asks.

"Nothing." He responds, kind of in a whisper.

"I call bullshit!" Craig yells.

"Marcel, come on. Quit lying." Brock says.

"Nothing!" Marcel says.

"Marcel, you're lying. Why are you lying to us?" Evan asks.

"Because I love her! Alright! Is that what you wanted to fucking hear?" He shouts.

I grow speechless. Tyler looks to me, and I'm just sitting there.

"(Y/N), you want to show yourself now?" David asks.

Tyler moves a little so I can come into view.

"You guys are fucking bitches! I hate all of you!" Marcel screams.

"Why Marcel..?" I say.

"Because they made me reveal my biggest secret. And the one person I didn't want knowing just listened to me say it!"

"But Marcel.. I feel the same way.."

He looks up. "W-what?"

"I love you Marcel. I have for a while now. I never told anyone, not even Tyler.. I didn't think you liked me back because you never hardly talked when I play with you guys.."

"I'm sorry.." he says, looking down.

Silence. Pure silence follows. Great.

"Ahem. Marcel, wouldn't there be something you'd like to ask her?" Delirious breaks the silence. Delirious, you're the real MVP.

I can see Marcel's hands shake. "Um.. well.. (Y/N).. would you like to.. be m-my girlfriend?"

I smile. "I'd love to!"

He smiles, but I continue. "On one condition."

His smile fades, but he nods. "When we play, be yourself. Don't hold back. Okay?"

Aww's are heard from everyone. His smile is bigger than before. "You can count on it!!"

I smile. "Alright fuckers! I'm going to head home and we're playing some Gmod." I say.

I hear shouts of excitement. I take off the headphones and look at Tyler. He stands up along with me.

"Thank you Tyler.."

He hugs me. "You're very welcome. I'm just glad you'll be happy. Now. Head home so you can actually experience the rage induced Marcel!"

"With pleasure!"

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