orange lilies

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The following week passed slowly and with each day Scorpius grew more and more restless. His hands trembled anxiously as he tried desperately to create a young girls flower tiara. She noticed and grabbed his slender hands.

"Hey, mister, are you okay?" she asked, her eyes wide and deep brown. Scorpius smiled gently and pulled his hands out of her weak grip. He ruffled her rich hair and took the flower tiara in his hands. It was halfway finished.

"One day you will find yourself a king. Or possibly a queen," Scorpius began. "You will fall in love with them and they will be your everything. Then, when you've fallen hopelessly in love, you decide to propose to them. Give the rest of your life to them. They will say yes and you will live with them till the end of your years."

The girl looked at him curiously, her chubby fingers trying to flatten her bright pink skirt. She looked around, her eyes landing on Albus, who was helping her mother. The two adults had their backs turned, but the girl grinned a toothy grin.

"Is he your king?" she asked in a whisper. Scorpius nodded.

"Are you gonna give him a giant ring? Like my daddy gave my mommy?" The blond nodded once more.

"I worry whether or not he'll say yes," Scorpius said. "That's why my fingers are trembling. The butterflies in my stomach are trying to escape and it's affecting my hands."

"Mister, if he's your king then you needn't worry," the girl whispered. "If he's your king, he'll say yes. Now, I think those pink flowers will look pretty!" She pointed at the pink peonies resting on Scorpius's desk with a pudgy finger.

Scorpius smiled at her words and waltzed over to his desk, picking up the peonies. It was this exact flower Albus had placed in his hair that one day. The pregnant woman who had bought a bouquet of yellow and white roses had returned three days later with her wife. They didn't buy any flowers, just thanked the two boys for all they did.

When the little girl left with her mother, a pink crown of flowers rested on her brown curls.

Albus approached Scorpius and took the boys arm, pulling him against his body. The brunet rested his head on Scorpius's shoulder and looked around the little shop.

"I saw the two of you talking," Albus mumbled into his boyfriend's ear. "Was she demanding you use a certain type of flowers. Did she want daisies? Lilies? Carnations?"

"Pink peonies," Scorpius answered. "Although, I think orange lilies would have suited her well. She was a bubbly spirit. Gave good advice."

"About what?" Albus asked, curiosity tainting his tongue.

"Life," Scorpius replied, knowing it was so much more than that. "In general."

Albus lifted his head off Scorpius's shoulder and headed to flip the sign on the door to 'CLOSED'. Scorpius's eyes watched him. Albus was a clumsy creature, but in this moment he seemed to move with a certain grace.

"Remember, we're going out tonight," Scorpius said. "Wear a nice suit. I booked us at a really lavish restaurant." Albus turned, a smile curving upwards on one side of his face. Scorpius swore in that moment he looked like Natalie Dormer. But with shorter hair.

"Are you treating me?" Albus questioned. "This is out of character. I like it." He flew past Scorpius and up towards their apartment. Scorpius followed, his body quivering with each step.

That evening, as Scorpius picked out a deep green suit, he tucked a small box into his pocket. He was really doing it. It was really happening. Wow.

Albus entered just moments later, an orange lily placed into his suit pocket.

"Ta-da! I'm your bubbly spirited boyfriend," Albus declared. He quickly made his way to Scorpius, taking the blond's hands and grabbing them. "You look marvelous, love." The brunet's hazel eyes trailed over Scorpius's form and Scorpius sucked in a breath.

"As do you," he replied.

Their smiles weren't as large as usual; they were soft and heart-warming. Scorpius wished he could stay in this moment with Albus forever. But, alas, tonight was the night and there was no getting out of this.

"Now," Scorpius finally said. "We have a dinner reservation, don't we."

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