pink peonies

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When Albus awoke the next day he looked to his right, spotting a blond head beside him, and he grinned. He shoved the covers off himself and headed directly to the kitchen, getting water and putting the kettle on the stove. The two always started their morning with tea and small chatter.

A few moments later a bleary-eyed boy walked into the small kitchen. His pale feet padded across the tiled floor as he walked towards Albus. 

"Morning," he muttered as he stifled a yawn. Albus walked towards him, planting a firm kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Good morning, love," he replied.

Soon, with tea made and biscuits dumped haphazardly onto a plate, the boyfriends wandered over to their table for two. It was placed precisely underneath a window; a bright light streamed into the petite room.

Scorpius sipped his tea quietly as Albus blabbered on about the day's events. The pregnant woman was coming by to collect her yellow and white bouquet, and then the two were closing the shop so they could go out and explore.

When the woman came by she was nothing but smiles. She paid handsomely for the flowers and left quickly after a short conversation with Scorpius.

"Grab your jacket, we're going out now," Albus called to Scorpius a few moments after she'd left. The blond boy, who now mysteriously had a flower in his hair and had headed upstairs, grabbed his light blue jacket and raced down into the shop. He grabbed Albus's hand and the two proceeded out the glass door.

The two boys strolled down the street, passing a bakery from which they could smell freshly warmed rolls. A couple passed by pushing a baby stroller and the baby giggled upon noticing the flower in Scorpius's hair.

Albus stifled a laugh and Scorpius scrunched his face up in confusion. The blond boy turned to his boyfriend with furrowed brows.

"What? Do I have something in my teeth?" he asked.

"Your hair," Albus replied smugly. "But, before you do anything, look in a mirror first."

Scorpius pulled out his phone and opened the camera app. He smiled, noticing the delicate peony placed in his hair. "You did this?"

"Well, maybe it was the ghost in our shop who likes flowers," Albus suggested playing along as if he had no clue.

"It's cute," Scorpius complimented. "You should get one too."

The couple continued to amble past shops. They watched people around them; spotting other couples relaxing on a park bench and children playing tag, running around bushes filled with a rainbow of color.

An elderly husband and wife pointed out Scorpius's flower. The wife smiled and joked that her husband should give her one just as Albus had with Scorpius. The husband ruffled his wife's short silver hair and chuckled.

"You brighten the world around you," Albus announced as the two entered a café for lunch. "And, you make me feel alive. Anyways, lunch, what are you looking to order?"

Scorpius looked at his boyfriend with a hint of a smile. Today was filled with smiles. Each turn they took and step they made, someone was smiling. God, who wouldn't smile. His boyfriend was the cutest damn thing on the planet.

"I could say the same about you," Scorpius said. "I'm thinking about getting a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, you?"

"A chicken salad, probably," Albus answered. He pulled out his wallet; a leather pocketbook with A.S.P sewn onto one of the corners. He checked for cash and pulled out a twenty-pound bill.

"You're so boring," Scorpius groaned. "A chicken salad?"

"I thought I was the light of your life," Albus said, exasperated.

They reached the counter and Scorpius recited their order. Albus placed down the cash and the two took a table in the corner. Around them, people hurried to and fro. Some looked stressed and others relaxed. A kid was sobbing on the other side of the shop and his mother was trying her best to calm him down.

"I wonder how the pregnancy announcement went," Albus said aloud. Scorpius stirred the straw in his lemonade and looked up at his boyfriend. He looked so innocent. The light behind him shone in a way that made it looked like a halo rested around his brown locks. He had no clue, did he?

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