red roses

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London was a busy place, but tucked into a small populated area was a shop that sold flowers. Beautiful bouquets of pinks, reds, whites, and an array of rainbow colored plants. Every customer would be surprised by the delicate arrangements they received and they paid well in return. It was a good living for the Florists who lived in the little apartment above the shop. 

Soft tunes would float down from above during the day. The music was never something from this decade, and it alternated each day. It was home.

Albus Severus Potter, one of the Florists, was the one who arranged the flowers. He could make even the rudest person smile by presenting a delightful white rose bouquet. 

But some of the flowers, he had found, didn't fit in the arrangements. So, instead of wasting them, he set them on a counter for his boyfriend.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, the other Florist, loved weaving together flower crowns. It was a small business, he knew, but everyone loved the way he would make the crowns. They could be small or very large. He could create a different crown for every person.

Little girls who came in with their mothers would wait on a plastic stool as Scorpius fit a flower tiara for them. They would giggle and blush fiercely. Scorpius had the time of his life with the little girls. Each young girl was a new adventure and each crown was a new creation.

While arranging bouquets, Albus would often look at the smile on his boyfriends face. The smile stretched to his ears, often tipped with a light pink tinge. Scorpius was like a dream come true and Albus wouldn't wish for anything else.

Today Albus was putting together a selection of yellow and white rose. The person he was making for it was surprising her wife. She had told Albus she was pregnant and wanted to create something lovely for her wife. Scorpius had congratulated her and asked her she wanted some tea. Albus just smiled and got to work.

"She's coming back tomorrow," Albus said as he trimmed the stems. "Did you know, yellow roses create warm feelings and provide one with happiness. White roses represent innocence, purity, and charm. And I'm positive she's going to have a charming child."

"Did she know what they meant when she asked for those colors?" Scorpius asked from his desk where he sat weaving a crown. A fan, tucked into one of the shop's corners, blew a soft gust of wind in his direction, rippling both the flower petals and his fine blond hair.

"No, actually," Albus replied sweetly. "Her favorite color is white and her wife loves yellow. At least, that's what she told me." He set the bouquet down and wandered over to his boyfriend. He planted a dainty kiss on Scorpius's cheek as he snuck a flower into the blond boy's soft hair.

"Tell me, love, what does a red rose mean?" Scorpius asked as a modest smile played across his lips.

"Well, love, it means "I love you", but of course, the red rose has so many different meanings," Albus answered. He walked back to the counter where the yellow and white flowers sat. His wiry fingers trailed over the thin string he would use to tie the flowers together.

"Carry on."

"Beauty!" Albus sang out. "Courage! Respect! Passion! Congratulations!" Scorpius's smile widened as he stood, admiring his finished flower crown.

"Congratulations, then," Scorpius announced. "You've won a crown!" He danced his way towards Albus, dodging the plants and flowers that littered the floor of the shop. When he reached his boyfriend he placed the crown on the brunet's head.

Albus shifted the crown on his head to his liking and they both went back to work. The yellow and white arrangement was finished a few minutes later and Albus placed his artwork in a vase filled with lukewarm water.

"How do you feel about kids?" Albus asked. His eyes darted towards the flower he'd planted in Scorpius's hair.

"I feel marriage is the first thing that should be running through your mind when you think about kids," Scorpius answered. "When anyone thinks about having kids, really." Albus gave him a look. "But yeah, a little girl. I could make tiaras for her and she could dance among the flowers."

"I picked the right person to fall in love with," Albus murmured.

"You did."

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