Prologue Part 2

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As the door closed it was only me And my brother left. It was almost dark out and the dimly lit room expressed how everyone was feeling, but me. Tense. I looked at the Hokage and he looked back. "I came here to discuss The Gold Assassin" I said blankly his eyes widening. "She's my well our mother" I said motioning between me and Kakashi. Both of them stood shocked not seeming to comprehend what I just said. "T-the gold a-assassin?" "Yes Kakashi the Gold Assassin" I said glancing at his shocked face once more. "Listen sir, I also came to discuss her so Called partner, black rose, she was held against her will to commit her crimes and shouldn't be blamed for them" "what's your proof?" "Myself" "Huh!" The hokage and my brother said in common. I just ignored what they said and turned to Kakashi, "So how's your training going?" "What do you mean training I'm a jounin." He said in a matter of fact tone. "A jounin really? That's cool I guess" I said glancing at the Hokage out of the corner of my eye. He seemed so Ingrossed in our conversation. Two siblings, one thought the other was dead, and the other was one of the top killers in the world. I can see why he's interested. We eventually stopped looking at each other and I looked back at the Hokage. "So as you already know I'm Black Rose" "Y-yes, how would you like to be my ANBU captain?" He said gaining his composure. "You've known me for around an hour and you aks me that?" "Yes I may not know you personally but I have known of you for a very long time, you are a very well know" he said and Kakashi looks like he's gonna die. "Ashi what do you think?" "I-I don't know youre only a kid" he said with a worried expression. "Yeah I'll be captain" i said laughing at Kakashi's confused expression. "What was the point of asking for my opinion?" "Meh I wanted you to feel important" I ignored him seeing the Hokage stand up and walk towards the door. I followed and so did Kakashi.

We arrived at the Hokage's ANBU Hide out and he showed me around. "So who's been training them?" "One of the older ANBU boar" he said glancing at me. We continued walking until we got to a giant open room filled with people. Once they notices the Hokage was here they got into lines and said "good morning" all at once. Some if them looks at me oddly. "Hello, I'd like to announce your new captain" he said not raising his voice. People started to murmur and point. Most of them seemed to think it was Kakashi. "Sup" I said and everyone went quiet. I looked around and the Hokage nudged me as a way to tell me to do an introduction. "Hey I'm Kiyoko Hatake, I'm also black rose so please stop thinking that I'm some random genin." I said blankly seriously not caring about the intro. "WHAT" One of them yelled loudly. "Shut up" He started to march out of the line and you could see his friends snickering. "Who do you think you are I doubt you're black rose you're just a genin!" He yelled in my face. I kicked him away and he smashed into the concrete wall with a thud. "So I vote you don't hurt me because you can't" I said smiling as I walked away with Kakashi.

I ended up at his house and he was showing me his pervy book collection. After awhile we went out to eat and he introduced me to some people, most of them were confused, and then we left to go to bed.

I REWROTE THIS!  Ok so I rewrote this and its short but I didn't know what else to add. If you like my story comment and vote I guess and thats all BYE BITCHES!!!


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