I don't get it. Why does there have to be one, specific, set style? Step outside the box. I'm tired of all these same looking girls that "aren't like other girls". Get over it. Not every girl wears heels to high school, so wearing sneakers doesn't make you special.

2. Good at "boy" stuff

You can always pick out the tomboy because she knows cars and sports. As a girl with an overwhelming male presence in my life, I can confidently say I know nothing about cars. I can change a tire. I can change the oil if I absolutely have to. Anything else, nope. I seriously just call my dad or something. So boom. Did y'all just see me disprove that theory that tomboys know all the guy stuff? (Also, why are cars such a guy thing? I wish I knew more about cars, but sadly I don't. I need to start studying up. I love to learn).

Sport. Okay, yeah, I know sports. But as I've said countless times, my dad is a coach. I was an athlete in school. But does it bother anyone else when it's one of those scenes when she joins like a football or baseball team or something, just to show the guys she's better than them and she's not actually an athlete, she just watches the sport a lot. It wouldn't bother me so much if she, I dunno, actually practiced with friends or something beforehand or at least had prior experience. But I can't tell you how many times I've seen a scene where the girl is a walk on on a team after only having watched. I can't stand that. If you guys don't know how I feel about that by now, get outta here.

Also, just a side note that's going to get me in a loooooot of trouble. The tomboy, as we noted, is usually pretty small. She's probably not going to be a very good football player if this is the case (and she doesn't workout religiously). You might argue quarterback, but you gotta be able to see your receivers down the field and if you're 5'0", you're probably not gonna be able to see over your 6'2" linemen to find your man. And tackling you is going to be incredibly easy unless you're fast.

That was the one reason why I never actually got to be part of the action during football practice: those guys seriously would've broken me. I'm not saying this would be true for every girl, because I see stories every now and again about female quarterbacks in high school and I think that's amazing. But I need you to know, that takes A LOT of work, and she's probably not going to be tiny. She's gotta be taller and she's gotta work out constantly.

Basketball you could get by with more. I got to help out with guy's basketball practice, because it's less contact (as in, you're not supposed to just pick up little bitty Addy and throw her to the ground). But I did get a couple of sprained ankles and a cracked thumb from helping with basketball. And everyone thought it was delightful that I always ended up doing man-to-man on my best friend who was the tallest guy on the team and about half an inch shy of being a foot taller than me at the time. That was fun. But why did I get to help? I played basketball. I had practiced. I did the same workouts as the basketball players. Boom.

Moral of the story: sports don't have to be guy things. And girls probably won't be able to be walk ons to a male sports team unless they practice and train very hard.

But something we never mention, that I wanna mention is that no one acknowledges that math and science are typically thought of as "guy" things. So I wanna see more women characters who are into STEM stuff. There is a desperate, desperate need for women in the STEM field, but I always see these females as being more into the arts like English or music. And there's nothing wrong with that. But I wanna see some female characters that are good at math and science! I would love that.

3. Arrogance

Have you ever noticed that tomboys are super arrogant? I just hate that, because literally the only thing they ever brag about is how good they are at doing guy things. Like, I've yet to see one with a legitimate reason to brag (that isn't just outlandish, unbelievable, and basically impossible).

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