OC Naming

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Woah boy here we go. These are some of my OCs:

Amber (Multifandom)
Blue (Multifandom)
Nano (Multifandom)
Omega (TF2)
Blue (TF2)
Watertower (TF2)
DeadEye (Warriors)
Katnissroot (Warriors)
Rouhe (Waywardwalker/The best dragon species ever)
Skylar/Pilot 21 (Overwatch)
Niashi (Overwatch)
Pitbull (Wings of Fire/MudWing)
Atomsplitter (Wings of Fire/NightWing)
Casablanca (Wings of Fire/Night-RainWing)

Cat Jack (Warriors/Overwatch) Idk if he counts as an OC, it's just Soldier as a cat.
Jerboa (Wings of Fire/Sand-NightWing)
KoiPelt (Warriors)
Spiralstripe (Warriors)

I know I have more these are just some that I can remember. Also, I'll give some away. SOME.

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