chapter one

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The first day at Rosewood High had arrived quicker than I'd anticipated it would. I read the time on my wristwatch to be seven AM. The nerves settle and flutter in the pit of my stomach and don't budge until I get out of bed. Opening my curtains drenches my room in the morning light, shadows dancing across my wall.

I leave my bed messy and unmade after realising that I'm already late, and quickly change into some clean clothes. The smell of coffee draws me to the kitchen and I find it waiting beside an empty mug. It's warmth between my hands is comforting, especially with the chill of the morning clinging to me. The powerful scent sticks to the back of my throat, but the rich golden beverage is the only thing to assure my presence in class today.

My bedroom is cosy and comforting for the nights filled with homesickness. The window seat holds a few cushions, a couple of plants, and a small stack of classic books. It's much smaller than what I'm used to and the view is blocked by an oak tree growing tall in our front garden, its leaves touching my window panes.

I drive Mike and myself to the school, ensuring enough time to find a space in the parking lot, which I do with ease. The grounds are full of students huddled together in groups of at least five. Mike opens the car door before I've finished breaking and rushes out of sight. I'm left with the heavy silence of the car interior. He's been at school for a week now and I suddenly regret my decision to delay my first day. He is up-to-date in all of his classes and has already made a number of friends. Though there's never been a time when my brother wasn't popular, I can't deny that it doesn't sting seeing him breeze through his life without stopping to take in what's happening around him.

Are people staring? People are staring. They're incredibly indiscreet.

The smell of recently cleaned linoleum hits me the moment I walk through the double doors, and someone appears at my side, smiling enthusiastically at me. I look at her, a little intimidated by this burst of positive energy.

"You're the new girl, right?" A light shade of pink colours her cheeks in sudden embarrassment.

"Yes. Is it that obvious?"

"Not really. You fit in quite well."

Looking around at the categories that I would possibly 'fit into', I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not.

"I'll be your guide for the first week, since we have nearly all the same classes together," she smiles.

"Okay." I am definitely better at nodding and smiling than initiating conversation.

"I'm Emily Fields, by the way...I probably should have started with that."

"Aria Montgomery. But, I'm sure you already knew that," I add.

"Yes. Our first class is English with Mr Fitz." She turns to look at me, "I think you'll like him."

When we eventually get to the classroom, Emily and take seats next to each other at the back of the class. To pass the time until Mr Fitz arrives, I open my notebook and set the page out for making notes for the upcoming class.

He clears his throat loudly and I look up to meet the teacher everyone seems to be swooning over according to Emily. His day-old stubble lightly traces his jaw and his brown hair sits messy on his head. He has a familiarity about him that sends me tumbling backwards. Metaphorically.

"I know him..." I mutter in Emily's direction.


"Do you know a coffee shop, The Brew? I've spent a lot of time in there this past week and he's been there too."

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