Chapter Five

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I wake up sweating bullets.

Not because of a nightmare, but because a huge body is wrapped around me. My face is squished up against Xavier's chest which is thankfully covered by a shirt. His strong arms are wrapped around my waist pulling me to his chest while his right leg is thrown over my hip keeping me from being able to move my legs. My couch isn't the biggest couch out there, so I have no idea how either of us slept at all last night like this.

I look up at Xavier's peaceful face and find myself smiling at how boyish he looks. His mouth is open slightly and his hair is a mess. The stubble peppered across his strong jaw is the only thing that reminds me he is in fact a man.

I pull an arm free from his chest to reach up and tuck a strand of hair that's hanging down on his forehead back up into the rest of his messy hair. He stirs and grins but doesn't open his eyes yet.

"Morning beautiful," he says with a husky morning voice.

"You haven't even seen me yet," I giggle as he huffs and opens his eyes.

"Yup, still beautiful," he smiles, his perfectly straight teeth gleaming.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

He chuckles at me, his shoulders moving up and down.

I begin to attempt to make my way out of his grip. I'm grateful when he finally gets the hint and lets me sit up on the edge of the couch.

"I'm sorry if I crossed a line by staying over, I feel asleep," Xavier apologizes sheepishly.

"Don't be, it's fine," I reply reassuringly.

Not going to lie, I really enjoyed waking up in his arms even though I'm extremely hot right now. I don't think I would have been able to sleep for thinking about Lucy all night if he hadn't been here. Before I start to cry I decide to push the sadness away for today, she'd want me to take full advantage of Xavier right now and not be sad over her.

I push up from the couch, "Come on, lets go make some breakfast," I stick my hand out for him to take.

He grunts but takes my hand before sitting up. He doesn't make a move to get up on his own though, so of course I start to tug at his arm to try to force him up. Not even my greatest efforts had him budging.

"Come on-n-n," I whine giving his arm one last tug before giving up.

All he does is smirk at me. I'd slap that smirk right off his face right now if I wasn't so embarassed by how weak not being pull him off the darn couch made me look. I huff and place my hands on my hips, giving him the best I'm-pissed-at-you face I could muster up. When he continues to smirk at me, I give it my last shot.

"Please..," I whisper quietly, pouting my low lip.

I bet this puppy dog face I have going on right now is a ten-out-of-ten on the scale of cuteness.

"Fine," He groans and finally gets up.

I can't keep myself from smiling as he follows me into the kitchen.

"Okay," I stop beside the counter and turn to look at him, "What do you want to eat?"

"What do you got?" He asks, taking a seat at the island.

"Well," I swing open the fridge door, "I've got bacon, eggs, milk for cereal, and I'm pretty sure I have pancake mix in the pantry," I close the fridge door and look in the pantry, "Ah-ha, I do," I grab the pancake mix from the shelf and turn to look at him.

"I'd go for some pancakes and bacon, but no on the eggs," He grimaces at the word eggs.

"What do you have against eggs?" I asked, shocked.

I turn my back to him and put two pans over the stove top to start to heat up.

"I hate eggs," He replies, "With an emphasis on the hate part."

I look at him and reach to grab a mixing bowl, "Then I guess you hate cake too, since eggs are in cake."

"No-no. Don't get too ahead of yourself. I love cake. I just hate eggs by themselves." I giggle at how defensive he gets.

"Alright, fine. You love cake. I'm sorry," I place the pancake mix and the mixing bowl down in front of him, "How about you mix up the pancake batter while I make the bacon?"

He gets up to grab the rest of the ingredients he needs, "Sure thing, kitten," he says before playfully slapping my ass.

I yelp, "Hey!" 

I give him a death stare while he smirks at me for the second time today.

"Sorry, kitten. I just can't keep my hands off of you." He gives me a toothy grin before sitting back down to start mixing.

Deciding to change the subject I ask,  "So, tell me about yourself Xavier."

"Well, I hate eggs," I laugh at his pointed look.

"Yeah.  I know that. Tell me something I don't know," I put on some music before placing some bacon on the now hot skillet.

"My favorite color is emerald green," He tells me.

"Hey! That's the color of my eyes," I say looking back at him giving me a knowing look.

He moves right along, "I never had a cat or dog as a kid, but I was allowed to have a ferret his name was Billy, my favorite Disney move is Wall-E, I am absolutely afraid of spiders, I hate those little satan bugs, I love to run in the woods, I just love nature in general, I went to the local university and got my masters in business, I have a younger sister, Olivia, that you met the other day, and I have a new niece, that she named Katie. What about you, Violet?"

He gets up and moves behind me to pour some pancake batter onto the pan. Why he decides to stand directly behind me and do, this I have no idea. Is it weird that I kind of like it?

"W-well," I stutter, "My favorite color is red, I had a shih tzu named Dory when I was younger, I don't have any siblings, my favorite movie is Superman: Man of Steel, my favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast, I'm also afraid of spiders, nature is okay I guess, I went to university and got my nursing degree to become a labor and delivery nurse, I was adopted and I have no idea who my biological parents are, and my adoptive parents left me this house," I take a deep breath when I finish, preparing myself for the questions.

"What do you mean your parents left you this house?" He asks turning me to look at him.

I look down, not wanting to look him in the eye, "They died in a car crash a few years ago."

"Oh, Violet. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to pry," He wraps me in his arms and pulls me close.

"It's fine, you didn't know," I can't even cry anymore with everything happening in my life right now.

I look up into his beautiful sapphire eyes and get lost. I don't want to find my way out. I just want to stay here forever, where I'm finding I feel more and more safe as the days go on.

"You're so handsome," I sigh, wrapping my arms loosely around his neck.

One second he's holding me in a gentle hug, the next he's only a few breaths away from my face with his hands tightly gripping my hips, "Tell me I shouldn't kiss you right now," he whispers huskily too me.

I barely know this man and I let him into my home. We spent the night wrapped in each others arms and I can barely care. He was all I needed when my body started to hum. He kept me safe after I blacked out. I told him about my parents, and he's still standing here with me not running for the hills. I don't know why, but I have a connection to this man and I can't fight it anymore. He's telling me he wants to kiss me and all I can think is yes. 

"No," is all I whisper back before his hot lips crash onto mine.


Hey guys! I'm sorry I made you wait so long for this update. I hope this gushy Xavier and Violet day makes up for it a little.

WC: 1460


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