Cole: ok I'm in but remember I can't help with Courtney and you getting together

Ross: I know, maybe me and Courtney weren't meant to be

Cole: besides aren't you with Laura Marano?

Ross: *fakes smiles and hesitate to say* yea! She's my girl! I love her!

Cole: alright I'll go and I'll bring Andrea!

Ross: alright later! *Leaves*

Andrea: who was it honey?

Cole: Ross he wants to invite us to a barbeque tonight at 5! Please come with me?

Andrea: no not with that jerk! How can you talk to him?!?!

Cole: please Andrea? *Does puppy eyes*

Andrea: fine! Only because you're really cute!

Cole: yay! Thank you! *Pecks her lips*
Andrea: the things you make me do!

*At 5*
Cole: let's go babe!

Andrea: coming! *Walks downstairs*

Cole: you look gorgeous! And I like how we match all the time!

Andrea: thanks! Me too! But you owe me big time!

*Andrea and Cole are both wearing white shirt , grey pants, black leather jacket, snapback, and white adidas *

Cole: I know,  I know! *Puts hands up in surrender*

*Once they're at the Lynch household they ring the doorbell*

Ross: coming! *Opens the door* hey Cole! *Fist bump him*

Cole: what's up dude?

Ross: Andrea *nods*

Andrea: Ross *nods back*

Laura: babe who was it *sees Andrea* well if it isn't the one who took my man away!

Andrea: shut up! I know you all bark but no bite but let me tell you, I'm both.

Laura: whatever *sees Cole* and you are?

Cole: Cole Sprouse Andrea's boyfriend

Laura: oh see you finally managed to get your own guy for a change!

Andrea: OK THAT'S IT! *jumps on Laura and tries to punch her when Cole put her over his shoulder* Cole! Let me down! See this is why I didn't want to come to this dump!

Cole: honey the people who own this "dump" are watching!

Andrea:* jumps off Cole* oh....

R4+Ryland: Andrea! *Tries to hug her*

Andrea: *gets behind Cole* don't hug me!

Rydel: why?

Rocky: yea we haven't seen you in 2 months!

Andrea: *scoffs* of course you don't remember! You guys got in an argument with me and my girls!

Ratliff: oh that ! Let's forget about that!

Ryland: yea! Where were you?!

Riker: and who's this guy?! *Points to Cole*

Andrea: I won't forget about it! And I went back to Australia and this guy *hugs Cole* happens to be my boyfriend

Rydel: awesome! You can come on double dates with me and Ellington!

Andrea: no I don't want to go on double dates! I don't want to even talk to any of you! I don't want to be here!

Riker: then why are you here?

Andrea: because all of a sudden Ross and my boyfriend become friends and next thing you know here I am! Cole let's go home! Please?

Cole: once you talk to Ross !

Andrea: *groans* fine! *Goes upstairs* come on Ross!

Ross: *pumps Cole* thanks man! *Goes upstairs*

Cole: no problem! Just don't try anything with her!

*With Ross and Andrea*

Andrea: *sits on Ross' bed* hurry up and talk!

Ross: I don't want to talk! I'm going to sing!

Hope you like it! ❤ Comment vote share my story! Love you all🙈🔥❤
~drea ❣

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