5. Promise

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Updated: 2/25/17 My beta reader corrected it! It's a lot better now!

A/N: I'm sorry for the late update! I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to put a time skip in yet, but when I finally decided, a few months had already passed. Also, my beta reader isn't responding, so that took a little longer. The fact that I changed my mind again didn't help.

P.S. There's going to be a time skip to fourth grade in the next chapter. I'm sorry if you don't like that idea, but that's the decision I made. If you guys want, I could add some flashbacks, but personally, I've never really liked flashbacks for some reason. I don't like reading flashbacks, but I don't really mind writing them, so if you want, that's an option.

Narrator POV

The pictures had finally been taken and now the workers were busy getting their stuff packed up for the day. As they were finishing that up, the models, Tetsuya and Seiji, didn't know what to do. That especially being said for Seiji as the magic from modeling had worn off already.

Seiji glanced at Tetsuya before directing his gaze on the floor. He was starting to feel awkward as he didn't know what to say, while Tetsuya was a whole different case. Sure, Tetsuya was fidgeting a little at first, but then he quickly got sidetracked when he saw Hiromoto among the group of people. Seeing him taking some sample pictures for a different magazine – with Tetsuya somewhat attached to Hiromoto – his fidgeting got replaced with small admiration as curiosity on what the man was doing took over.

Seiji thought nothing of it as he was still nervous around his now proclaimed friend. After deciding to just go with the flow with what he thought he should do, which was have a conversation with him, he glanced at Tetsuya's direction to see him not there.

Seiji, not noticing this, went back to playing with the hem of his shirt before doing a double take. He was honestly surprised and awed by the fact that his new friend could disappear in a blink of an eye. Knowing he had a new task at hand, he quickly emptied his mind to have no unnecessary distractions. His task as a friend – which he had made all by himself – was to keep track of Tetsuya.

Looking around, he noticed a blue blob of hair moving from a few miles away. Not taking any chances – Tetsuya is the only blue-headed child in the room, after all – the small little child went closer. To his satisfaction, it was indeed, Tetsuya.

Seiji watched a little longer until he decided to walk to the blunet. Tapping his shoulder, Seiji asked, "What are you doing?"

Tetsuya jumped at the sudden touch before facing Seiji.

Tetsuya, seeing who it was, relaxed and gave Seiji a smile. Not saying anything, Tetsuya grabbed his hand. Seiji, surprised at the sudden action, just let Tetsuya drag him off somewhere. When they were away from everybody else, Tetsuya stopped and glanced at Seiji.

"Want to make a promise?"

Curious, Seiji didn't even have to think about it as he found himself nodding energetically.

Tetsuya's expression slowly turned into a happy smile as he gestured Seiji to get closer. Seiji, confused, followed his order as he inched towards him and waited.

Tetsuya took a deep breath in and out, making it seem like he was getting ready to say something important. After doing that a few times, he got reminded of something. He didn't think this through. Why did he say that? He was completely clueless on what to say. He was going to say something else to change the subject, but when he saw Seiji's hopeful eyes, he couldn't bring himself to.

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