Narrative thinking

Start from the beginning

Pretend like everything is fine.



I drank too much alcool.
I feel too sick.

I'm hot.

I really want to strip.

I want to pleasure myself.

What? No! Stop thinking like this!-

I looked at Komaeda. He seemed to have found... a girl who catched his eye.

I feel sicker.

More alcool down the drain.

They were so flirty with each other, even touching intimate parts in private.

More burn.

They... were basically a couple at this point.

Ah, I'm shaking.

I think I should go.

I texted Komaeda: "I'll go home first."
I went to our appartment, staggering all the way through the stairs.

I feel sick.

I guess I'll take a nap on the couch.
To sleep the pain away.


-At 9 pm-

9 pm only?
Did Komaeda return from the party?

Let's check.

He's sharing a very intimate moment with that girl.
Ah, they both froze upon seeing me.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to barge in on this!-" I love my fast reflexes.

"I... it's fine." Komaeda seemed... out of it?
Alcool effect?

"... Hey can I join? It's not fair if you have a cute girl all for yourself..." I made the girl blush a little.

I'm not interested in that bitch, I'm interested in Komaeda.

The girl made a "you can" sign with her hands and well.



That girl left.

I'm really releived.

But I feel...

Too sick.

I can't bottle it up anymore.

I want to throw up.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet bowl.


I didn't even know why I was feeling sick.
The alcool or the girl?
Who knows.

I feel weak...

I hear Komaeda's footsteps ringing from afar as I quickly flushed the toilet.

"Hey, you okay there man?" Komaeda asked, checking up on me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Shit. I want to throw up again.

"On second thought, not really..." I hovered my head above the toilet bowl and indeed threw up again.

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