Ross: I am but Andrea was like a sister to me now I don't have her or Courtney!

Cole: look I can't help you with getting Courtney back because she's with my brother and they're in love but I can help you become friends with them again

Ross: I get it he's your brother, and I'd like your help thanks! You and I should hang out

Cole: not if Andrea doesn't approve

*They laugh and go inside*

Andrea: babe where were you?

Cole: hanging with Ross don't worry!

Dylan: Cole a word! *Drags cole*

Cole: I mean I have no choice

*Everyone laughs*

Courtney: Drea let's go write songs

Andrea: ok! *Goes to the music room with Courtney*

*With Cole and Dylan*

Cole: dude what?

Dylan: how dare you become friends with my girlfriend's ex!?!?

Cole: dude chill! I didn't say I was going to help him win her back besides Court loves you and he's with that Laura chick

Dylan: fine let's go

*They go to the living room and see Ross sitting on the couch *

Dylan : where's Courtney and Andrea?

Ross: they went to the music room to write songs

*Dylan goes to the music room*

Cole: sorry about him, he just thinks you'll take Court from him

Ross: but I'm not besides I can't be with her anyways!

Cole: I know but I mean he loves her and I mean a lot! Try to talk to him and he'll warm up to you and try to write a song for Andrea to win her back as your friend

Ross: k thanks bye dude *fist bumps Cole and leaves*

*Cole goes to the music room and hears the girls saying they finished writing 2 songs*

Cole: hey my peeps!

Andrea: Cole! *Jumps on him and snuggles into his neck*

Cole:*catches her and holds her* what's up darling?

Andrea: can you collab with Aussie4?

Cole: sure! *Kisses her forehead*

Andrea/Courtney: yay! GIRLS!

Kelly: yeah?

Andrea we're recording!

Alexa: awesome!

Christina: Court take my place! I want to be a manager with Kelly !

Courtney: really?!? Thanks

Andrea: ok Sara, get your and my guitar, Courtney keyboards and Alexa drums!

Girls: on it!

Andrea: Cole, here are your lyrics!

Cole: these lyrics are great! You and Court wrote it?

Andrea: yea! It's about Ross!

Cole: *chuckles* of course! Dylan, Kelly, Christina behind the effect booth

Dylan, Kelly Christina: on it! On 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

*Aussie4 starts playing instruments*

Cole: we don't talk anymore,
We don't talk anymore,
We don't talk anymore,
Like we use to do,
We don't laugh anymore,
What was all of it for?
We don't talk anymore like we use to do......
I just heard you found the one you've been looking, you've been looking for,
I wish I've would've know that wasn't me,
Cuz even after all this time I still wonder,
Why I can't move on, just the way you did so recently,
Don't want to know,
What kind of dress you're wearing tonight, if he's holding on to you so tight, the way I did before,
I overdosed,
Should've known your love was a game,
Now I can't get ya outta my brain,
Oh it's such a shame,
That we don't talk anymore,
We don't talk anymore,
We don't talk anymore,
Like we use to do,
We don't laugh anymore,
What was all of it for?
We don't talk anymore like we use to do
Andrea: I just hope you lying next to somebody,
Who knows how to love you like me,
There must be a good reason that you're gone,
Every now and then I think you might want me to come show up at your door,
But I'm just to afraid that I'll be wrong,
Don't want to know,
If you're looking into her eyes,
If she's holding onto you so tight,
The way I did before,
I overdosed,
Should've known your love was a game,
Now I can't get you outta my brain,
Oh it's such ashame,
Cole & Andrea: that we don't talk anymore,
We don't talk anymore,
We don't talk anymore like we use to do,
We don't laugh anymore,
What was all of it for?
We don't talk anymore like we use to do,
*Instruments and music only*
Cole: like we use to do
Don't want to know what kind of dress you're wearing tonight,
If he's giving it to you just right,
The way I did before,
Andrea: I overdosed,
Should've known your love was a game,
Now I can't get ya outta my brain,
Cole: oh it's such ashame
Cole&Andrea: that we don't talk anymore,
We don't talk anymore,
We don't talk anymore like we use to do,
We don't laugh anymore,
What was all of it for?
We don't talk anymore like we use to do,
Cole: we don't talk anymore (kind of dress you're wearing tonight,
If he's holding on to you so tight,
The way I did before,
I overdosed,
Should've known your love was a game,
Now I can't get ya outta my brain,)
Andrea: oh it's such ashame
Cole&Andrea: we don't talk anymore

*Song ends*

Courtney: that was awesome!

Dylan: guys! I got a text message from big machine label! They want to meet with you tomorrow!

Everyone: oh my god!

Andrea: ok let's record our next track to perform tomorrow!

Everyone: alright!

Hope you like it loves! I love you guys! If you like it please vote, comment, share my story🙈❤

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