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"Are you sure you don't mind doing this?"

"For fifty bucks? Not at all."

Playing with my watch on my wrist I watched as my friend Calum filled in the answers on my homework.

"You're not getting them all right, are you? They're going to get suspicious if I randomly start acing shit."

Scowling, Calum erased a B bubble and filled in a C instead.

"Don't get me wrong, I love money, money makes the world go around. But why do you need me to sit here and get you Cs. I'm willing to get you an A.

"I haven't gotten anything above a B minus this semester, they'll know I'm cheating."

"Maybe they'll assume you got your shit back together."

A forced laugh left my mouth, "They're making me go to the counselor's office twice a week, and I have to talk to another therapist outside of school every Wednesday."

"Aren't you worried about college?"

"I already got accepted." I answered, taking a swig of water, "What are they going to do take it because I'm mourning?"

"They might."

"Dead ass, I'll kill myself."

"Don't say that!"

I shrugged.

"I'll get my shit together over the summer." I assured him, ignoring his worried stare, "We'll go to the beach and stay out late and just, recoup, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"My brother is gay." I blurted out, wanting to change the subject.

"Is he really?"

"Yeah, I think the whole death thing got to him, he had a life is short epiphany."

"That's crazy."

"I know right?"

"Do your parents know?"

"Hell no, they'd lose their shit."

"That sucks."

"Yeah, life sucks."

Taking another sip of my water I watched as Hayley Irwin walked past the table where we were sat.

"Hey Hayley, you really should have stayed home." I blurted out.

She froze, clutching her books tightly to her chest and looking at me quizzically.

"Chicken pic is super contagious." I elaborated.

Her face turning bright red she pressed her chin to her chest and hastily wakes away, disappearing down an aisle of books.

"Why do you have to do that?" Calum sighed.

"What?" I laughed.

"Make her life miserable."

"Oh she's fine, I was kidding."

"What if your shitty comment pushes her over the edge." Calum snapped, "Would you even care if she killed herself?"

"Obviously I'd care. But she won't."

"You don't know that."

Irritated I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Just, I hate that." Calum said weakly after a moment, "Putting other people down doesn't make you feel better. All it does is makes the world a dismal sea of broken people."

"God that was morbid."

Calum shook his head, "Just forget it, I finished your English, where's your science assignment."

My brain and heart screaming with guilt I tried to act indifferent as I reached into my backpack and handed him the paper.

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