an formal farewell from an informal idiot

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nope. no good reason why i was gone.

So, what have I been doing on my year+ long absence?

absolutely nothing but school

I apologize sincerely since I have no life but still never updated.

I just, outgrew this. I still love Percy Jackson with all of my heart, and that will never change, and I still love Viria's art. She never ceases to amaze me despite the amount of times I see it. However, I've grown up. I made this account probably 2 years ago, close the 3? I was 14 when I started this book.

Yesterday I turned 17.

I'm growing up, and I'm getting ready for colleges and senior year. No matter how much I love looking at fanart, I just don't have the passion to continually look it up again and again and post it all the time.

Unfortunately this means I will not be using this account anymore. I have to focus on school and grades right now, and I don't want my fanfiction life to get in the way of that.

This does not mean my account will be deleted.

Praise Jesus hallelujah for two amazing internet friends Holly (sourstiles24) and Annalise (voidtwd)

They have both offered to run my account from this point on. Which also means they will be uploading real, readable fanfictions varying in different fandoms(TWD, Teen Wolf, SPN, etc)

To be honest, I'm not even sure how this book became so popular. I was this 14 year old girl with the most cringeworthy story ideas in the history of books, and yet it climbed so high. I cannot express my thanks enough to show my gratitude. For those of you who have supported be despite the empty promises I made a year ago. You cannot begin to comprehend how sorry and guilt ridden I am. For this I am truly sorry and I know my thanks is only the beginning of a forgiveness.

I know half of you will scroll past this notification knowing it is not an update but for those of you who do check this out, I'm sorry if in any way I let you down. I hate knowing that I left some empty promises in the air, and I really intended to fulfill them, but then school got in the way and I never got around to it.

I hope that you will enjoy the stories written by the other fantastic authors who will be running this account.

Just because I don't update, doesn't mean I will not come in her every so often. Just to check in, so if you ever do want to tell me anything, i'll be on the look out. I owe you guys that much.

Sorry to leave in such haste like this, I feel so bad, I just can't do this right now.

Best of luck to Holly and Annalise, and I wish you all luck on you intentions for wattpad, and the future ahead :)


username update: @voidstilxnski

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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