Chapter 2 -

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"Welcome!" A voice approached me. A lightly tanned girl with chocolate brown hair and purple coloured eyes walked towards me.

She smiled and what a beautiful one it was too

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She smiled and what a beautiful one it was too. "My name is Leila, Leila Jacobson. What's yours?"

"Cavalia" I answered back.

"Wow I've never even actually heard that name before! Its so - different! Don't worry it's beautiful".

"I could say the same about you and your eyes!" She looked down sadly at the hard ground. Oh no! Did i upset her? "I'm so sorry! I didn't know if that would hurt your feelings.."

She pulled me into a tight hug. "Nah its okay". She smiled again - "No I know what you're thinking, haha  *are those contacts?* Well no they're not!" She laughed.

Leila looked down at her sparkly gold watch with a surprised look on her face. "Oh we better go! You're late!" She pulled onto my wrist, running to inside the school. Ow! She was strong.

We finally reached the principals office. "Go on! You don't want to waste his time. He is very impatient and gets grumpy easily hehe" she wispered with a giggle.

I walked into the room. Inside was so big! Who could of thought that one person would need so much space? Pictures of himself and other students were on the wall. He even had a portrait of himself in the front of the room, that read 'Principal Harley - the Greatest Principal in history.' Man this guy was very full of himself.

I sat down quietly into the chair in front of his desk. It was blue and felt so confy - I hope these chairs are in the classrooms. As I looked up to him, looking into his bold blue eyes, he said, "It is rude to stare! Miss Rose is it?"
I wasn't trying to stare. I was just waiting for him to answer - that's all. "Yes" I replied. "You mean yes sir! Now I see you have met Leila". He paused and shuffled his papers. "She is your welcome buddy. Now don't feel overwhelmed - every new student gets one so that they can get a chance to make a friend or two."

I looked back behind me where Leila was standing. She looked bored and tired from hearing his voice!

"Uh yes sir! I didn't fall asleep! Oh um". She looked embarrased but I couldn't blame her though - Mr Harleys voice is very boring and slow. He just stared at her angrily. "Right." She mumbled. She walked over to me and handed me my timetable.

"I made it that you two are in all of each others classes..or at least most of them. Now leave me be! Go to class! I hope to see you again Miss Rose but this time in a better behaviour".

Leila and I speed-walked out of the room. "Is he always like that?" I asked.

"Yep! Unfortunately.. but hey! You're in my classes! Yay but now we have maths in room E108 so we better go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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