"That would be lovely," Lucy held out her right hand, which the green haired man shook, "I'm Lucy Dragneel."

"I'm Tobias and this is my wife, Cho." Lucy shook Cho's hand.

"So Lucy, do you know what you're going to name your daughter yet?" asked Cho. Lucy shrugged playfully.

"No idea. My husband has an idea, but he won't tell me what it is yet. What about you?" The couple looked at each other happily. Tobias gathered his wife's hand in his own.

"We're naming her Mai."


Natsu sat on his bed, reading the book Lucy had in her hands. His arm was wrapped firmly around her waste, drawing little circles on her large stomach. It had been nine months since he confessed to Lucy and asked her to marry him, meaning their daughter was going to be born any day now. The thought of seeing Nashi again made Natsu's heart soar, and this time they wouldn't have to deal with Scarab's Wings.

After the guild party celebrating their engagement, Natsu contacted the Magic Council and informed them about the location of Scarab's Wings headquarters. They didn't believe him at first, saying it was nothing but a myth, but eventually he was able to convince them to check it out. They stormed the building and captured everyone there. Natsu chuckled, remembering Shinzō's face in the paper as he was being led away. He looked so shocked and confused. The council also found his plans for rebuilding the Eclipse Gate and had it dismantled and the plans taken away. Now Nashi and Lucy's future was safe, and everything was going to be fine.

Natsu jumped slightly when his wife shut her book loudly. She placed it on the nightstand beside the bed and looked at him strangely.

"Okay Natsu, I've been patient, but now I want answers."

"What are you talking about Luce?" he asked, genuinely confused. She awkwardly shifted herself so she was better facing Natsu.

"For starters, what is up with you? How did you know I was planning on leaving the guild? How did you know I was pregnant? How did you know it was a girl? In general, how did you know all of this? I don't understand."

Natsu sighed. Lucy had been asking him about this for a while now. He didn't knowhow to tell her he was from a future where she left him and their daughter died.

"I don't think you would believe me," he said honestly. He would have a hard time believing himself. Lucy gave him a puppy dogface, one that was making it hard for him to ignore.

"Try, please."

Reluctantly, Natsu nodded. An idea of how to explain it to her popped into his head and he smiled at her.

"Once upon a time, there lived a young man…"

"Natsu, how does a fairytale have anything to do with-"

"Just hear me out, please," he begged. Lucy frowned, but let him continue.

"Once upon a time, there lived a young man with two friends. One he had known since he was a boy and the other his best friend, and both of them were in love with him. This man, well he wasn't the smartest. He didn't understand things like love like he thought he did, and when his childhood friend confessed to him, he agreed to be her boyfriend. A few days later, he discovered that his best friend heard the confession and believed that he would be happier if she left, so she did."

Thank you, NashiWhere stories live. Discover now