Bat Family x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Oh," Bruce said, a little shocked. "You don't have-"

"But I want to," I said, biting my bottom lip. "I mean, it's the least I could do - for letting me stay here."

Bruce smiled and put a hand on my shoulder as if telling me that everything was okay. But it wasn't. I think we both knew that. 

* * *  

Getting used to the Wayne family was a struggle, and I was confused as to how Alfred had managed to stay for so long.

At first, Damian had refused to let me into his room, even when it was beginning to stack with mugs of tea and coffee, as well as his clothes being in dire need of a wash. I ignored it when he insulted me, occasionally agreeing with his comments. It wasn't that I hated myself, it was just that agreeing with him seemed to make him stop talking more often.

Bruce was much easier, allowing me to take whatever needed to be cleaned from his room to cleaning it in the washroom.

It became a little more troublesome again when other family members came around.

Tim was the easier to get along with. He didn't ask a lot of questions, and only occasionally asked me to do stuff. Unlike Jason, who would commonly come around in need of his own clothes and bedding needed to be washed. I ignored a majority of the blood stains, mostly annoyed at how hard they were to get out.

Meeting Dick felt slightly awkward, considering at first I thought he was insulting himself. Although, the fact that he had randomly walked through the front door without any warning also put me off for a moment. But after Bruce had introduced him, everything settled easily.

Okay. Implying the word 'easily' seems like a lie now. Instead, it was pandemonium in the household when all four stepped into the house. I'd stay in the kitchen, waiting for everyone to leave or go to a spare room before cleaning up whatever mess they left behind.

Barbara or Kate were the only ones who managed to settle everyone on site.

"How do you do it?" I asked Kate whilst handing her a coffee.

She let out a chuckle, letting her head hang as a curtain of red hair surrounded her head. "Let's just say I know how to put all four of them on the ground." I wasn't quite sure what she meant by that then.

But it was all weird. Whenever they were together, they would also disappear at night. Of course, I wouldn't say anything, not wanting to pry during their 'family gatherings'. However, when I heard footsteps on the ceiling and the sound of tires screeching, my suspicions began to grow more and more.

The questions in my head grew louder every day. But then they soon stopped when I saw Bruce with a split lip. I didn't ask about it. I didn't ask Damian about it either, especially when he walked into the kitchen, walking slightly awkwardly.

Cleaning Damian's room, I did notice little dots of red. I told myself it was paint - but when was the last time, or even first time for that matter, had I seen him with red paint? I decided to follow the line towards his closet. I hesitated at first, before thrusting my hand out and opening the closet. It was empty. I stood there in confusion, eyeing up the closet. Gently, I pressed my hand on the back of the closet. I thought I was crazy until the wall began moving to the side.

I felt my body go stiff, wondering how deep I was beginning to go into this mess. But before I could close the door, the wall completely shifted, revealing a Robin outfit.

I stared in wonder, my tongue stuck between my teeth. I shut the door swiftly before making a straight bee-line to the door and leaving his room.

I sat in the kitchen for hours, leg bouncing up and down as every nerve in my body told me to leave. But I couldn't - it's not like I exactly had anywhere to go at that point. I told myself to confront them and tell everyone what I saw - what I know. But when Bruce had arrived back from work, Damian in tow, I smiled and took his jacket, pretending to completely forget about how I found that I was living in Batman and Robin's house.

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