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Tae 👽

"Y/N. Why did you leave?"

"You told me to leave.
I just did what you asked me to do."

"You know I didn't mean it."

"I know. But I feel hurt, Tae.
Think about it.What happened after you got in a relationship? What happened to me? You don't talk to me anymore. You didn't even spare me a glance. That was when I realize that, I was never that important to you. Even though you meant the whole world to me. I guess I had always been in your way.

I'm sorry, but I've loved you.
Let's never cross paths again.
Goodbye, Tae."

That night, he cried.

He cried because he felt lonely.

He cried because he lost his best friend.

And he cried because,

He realized that the one he really loves,

Has been her all along.

Hello! 🙌

Just wanna say,

That I'm sorry this sucks.

Okay, bye!


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