Chapter 6: Gravity Falls?

Start from the beginning

Sebastian nods and begins to run towards more trees, leaving me alone by the stream. I start to walk the opposite direction, hoping to find something different.

At least an hour went by, still no town. I pant and sit down on a log. If I can just get (Y/n) out of here and be done with all of this. Then I can tell her.... I continue to walk until I see a clearing. I run towards it, only to see I'm in-between buildings. Definitely not the size of London's buildings, they were quite smaller... I go on the sidewalk, only to see a few people walking around.

I go inside one of the buildings I was between. It was a clothes store. Maybe I can be in more appropriate clothing, as to not catch suspicion. I went inside and grabbed a t-shirt that had the words 'Cool' in lightning blue and some shorts that had a black streak through them. I wanted to hurry so I couldn't be seen in these clothes. Shoes... I grabbed a pair of shoes that were also black.

I hurried out of the store when the store 'manager' looked at me in a weird way. I went inside the woods again and changed in the attire I had bought. The shoes were quite... comfortable... It was like I was wearing pillows for feet! I did have trouble tying the shoe laces, but I managed.

As I was adoring the shoes I have put on my feet, I had some time to think was going to do next. Oh goodness, what would (Y/n) think of me when she sees me? I look childish... "But you are childish, my Lord." a voice said teasing me. I turned around to think I was going to see Sebastian, but only a yellow... triangle?

The yellow triangle had a top hat, arms and legs, and a black simple cane. "Who are you to say that I am childish, triangle." I spoke, growling. "Plus, how do you know what I was thinking?" I added.

The yellow triangle spun his cane in a circle "Oh, I know lots of things....I'm a dream demon of course!"

__---(Sebastian's POV)---__

After running around, I found a weird looking house that had the name: 'Mystery hack' as the name of the estate. Only to my realization, it was suppose to be named 'Mystery Shack'. I came to knock on the door, only to be opened by a teenaged red head busting through the door. She came face to face with me, and I only gave her a polite grin.

"Excuse me, miss. Have you happen to hear or see the woman (Y/n) Simmons? I have been looking for her." I spoke to the red head as kind as I could.

"Sorry bud, don't know anyone by that name. But I did see someone walk out with Dipper and Mabel." The red head spoke as she was backing away from me onto the trail. Bud? "And where might these people be?" I questioned.

"I think their by the big sign of the outskirts of the town! You know, the one that says 'Gravity Falls'!" She was far away by the time she replied, so she yelled. So this is the place, Gravity Falls. Never thought I would see this place again. After seeing that pitiful 'Bill Cipher'. I shook my head at the name. 'Bill Cipher'... My once best friend.

__---(You're POV)---__

"GIANT SPIDER!" Dipper screamed on the top of his lungs. What? I only made that up... There can't be any gigantic spiders...

Soon as we all knew it, we were all running for our lives. Mabel was just giggling while we all ran, Dipper was screaming and waving his hands in the air, and, as for me, I tried to distract it. I ran around the giant spider and throwing rocks at it. He finally had enough and came after me. "Here, here! Hairy beast! After me, I say!" I screamed at the spider. I was running and I tripped. Crap. I quickly got up and I punched the spider in the eyes. I grabbed one of the beast's 8 legs and pulled hard, as to pull the leg off. It didn't come off easily, but it did. Green slime spat out of where is leg was, and it made it on my torn dress.

Hello, Miss (Y/n) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now