Im not a bio...TERRORIST!

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I woke up, Sky grey and everyone the same. I realised I wasn't in my home (which is like a giant, neon sign) and I had fallen on a box from a roof that was still nowhere near my house. I groaned as I looked up in the sky and saw dark clouds forming above my head I start to head out of the alley way but, someone stands there blocking me from leaving. I stare at him evilly as though I'm saying I'm not in the mood but he doesn't take notice. He approaches me as two other friends join him one male, one female. I start to walk the other way to use my powers up the wall but he says two words that make me hesitate. "Bio-terrorist" he shouts down the alley, I squint my eyes as I turn around.

"Oh...did you just call me...a bio-terrorist?" I said with a slight smile, "damn right! I called you a bio-terrorist and now you will respond when ever I say it" he shouted like he was in power. I started fidgeting as he whispered to his friends, "you know you guys are so nice...I would never harm you in ways only I can imagine" I said as calmly as possible. "Yeah you wouldn't, you couldn't your a bio-terrorist and your smaller than me" he said proudly, " now your being sassy and calling me a you want to die" I said with rage, he went to speak but stop and then smiled evilly. He slowly walked up to me and whispered "bio-terrorist..." He pulled away and looked me in the eye. I evilly smiled and slowly leaned forward and shouted "I'm not a bio...TERRORIST!" I shot a hole in both his friends, as he stepped back in fear as I gave him the evil smile and surged into him killing him from the inside. I hoped out of his body as it disintegrated, I could feel the Eagles moving from the evil karma act but no big changes.

I look down the alley to see a boy in a hood standing there I shout "you gonna call me a bio-terrorist too?" I didn't receive a reply. I sighed and used an electric chain to kill him too but...he was different he grabbed hold of the chain and pulled me toward him. Mid air I shouted "don't you just love kids" as he punched me to the top of the building. He came up hovering on concrete, which made his power pretty obvious. He made a concrete shard come strait out of my bone. I screamed in pain but no blood, he watched as I struggled with this shard in my leg. I grabbed hold off a chimney and absorbed the smoke. (At this point you guys are probably like what? But some conduits can hold more than one power if they are lucky enough.) he went to grab me but I tripped him and his brain and mine became in sync with memories, his name...was drake walker.

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