There was a bold knock on the door, and dad flashed over before I could blink. I heard the door open, followed by a familiar voice. "I heard someone is graduating, I decided to come visit." I finally recognized the voice, it was uncle Damon. "You're not invited." Dad said, trying to force Damon to leave. Damon didn't budge. He made his way into the house, and sat right on the couch, as if he owned the place. Mom and Jamilla walked into the living room, and I decided to go in also. "Damon. What are you doing here?" Mom asked, her voice now filling with anger. "Well, Elena, I am here to watch my niece graduate. Is that a problem?" I heard uncle Damon ask, now irritating mom. "Actually, it is. The last time you were here, my daughters almost died, I want you gone." Mom said, raising her voice. "Wait." Jamilla hollered, stopping the conversation. "Mom, that wasn't his fault, it wasn't I swear. Please let him come to my graduation." Jamilla said, stubbornly. Uncle Damon grinned, and directed his eyes toward mom. He then looked her up and down, and smirked. Daddy noticed, because he stood up from the couch, and approached Damon. "No funny business Damon, this is your last chance." Damon nodded his head agreeing. "I promise." He said, seriously. My parents left the house because Damon angered them bad, so the three of us stayed inside and talked. "Well, what are your plans when you graduate? Is your vampire lover going to take you to see the world?" Damon asked, jokingly. Jamilla smiled, "Nope. I am going to Whitmore, like mom did. Kol is coming because he doesn't want me to find someone better." Jamilla laughed at that sentence, we all knew the real reason Kol was going. Damon rolled his eyes, "Why waste time on college?" He said, "It's better to enjoy your eternal life, fool around, be dangerous and mysterious." Jamilla's eyes widened at his ideas, the temptation was sounding good to her. "Jamilla, you're going to college and you're going to be with Kol." I said, taking her mind off of uncle Damon's temptations. "Uncle Damon, please stop provoking us. We just want to be normal." I said, realizing then, that none of us were normal. I wasn't considered normal, because my entire family was vampires, and my boyfriend was a hybrid. "I know you're not a vampire, which means I could easily snap your tiny human neck in half a second, and there wouldn't be a thing you could do." Damon said, putting anger into his voice. I gulped, and took a step back. His anger changed to something different, like, in a good way. "I wouldn't ever hurt you, not in a million years, I'd rather die." He said, addressing not just me, but Jamilla too. "I have anger issues, you all know that. But please Jamilla, let me see you graduate." I looked into uncle Damon's eyes, Jamilla did too. We both saw his human side, the good side. "Of course you can come, just don't mess anything up." Jamilla said, reaching to give him a hug. "It starts at three-o-clock in the afternoon tomorrow, at the high school. See you then, Uncle Damon." Jamilla said, as she walked uncle Damon out. When he was gone, we both stared at each other. "What was all that about?" I asked Jamilla. "You mean where he said he would never hurt us, even though he threatened you two seconds earlier?" She responded. I nodded my head. "I have no clue, Alyssa. Like he said, he has anger issues." I decided Jamilla was right, and so I went upstairs and minded my own business.

I needed some time to process that Jamilla was going away soon, probably forever. I opened up a book, from Tyler, and I began to read. The book was so good, and before I knew it, I had read fourteen chapters, and it was only seven-thirty at night. I sighed, and changed into my pajamas. I wanted to call Tyler, and at least make sure he  was okay, but I didn't want him hating me. I paced in my room, then came to the decision to call him. Picking up my phone, I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. The phone was ringing. And ringing. It was still ringing, and I was about to give up, when all of a sudden he answered. "Hey, what's up?" He said. I smiled, just hearing his voice made me happy. "Tyler, I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. I heard about Caroline." I waited for him to say something, but there was a long silence. Finally, I heard him breathing. "Alyssa, I'm absolutely okay. Caroline may have been my first real love, but you sure as hell will be my last. I know that you think I was probably crying, but I'm not. I'm over it, she wouldn't have shed a single tear if I were gone. I was done with the bitch the minute I found out she slept with Klaus. I'm glad you called though, you made me worry all day." I paused. He had just said one of the sweetest things ever, I almost cried. "Tyler, I'm in love with you. And when I'm with you, I feel safe. When I'm without you, I feel harmed, I feel like something bad is going to happen, and I'll never see you again. I almost didn't call you, because I thought it would be best, but I can't hide how I feel." I heard Tyler smile through the damn phone, and then he finally said, "I swear, the next time I see you, I'll give you the longest hug in the world. I will ALWAYS protect you, because you are everything I ever wanted, and if my mother were still here, she would love you too." It finally happened, I began crying. I was balling my eyes out, over a conversation. I didn't really care though. "I love you so much." He said, hearing me cry. "I will always protect you." Those words made me cry even harder, but I managed to find enough breath to respond, "I love you too, Tyler." I said, "Goodnight." I let the tears finish up, and then I laid on my bed, curled into a tiny ball, and I fell fast asleep.

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