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Chapter One of Released...

Lucas Rowell pushed himself up into a sitting position in bed and took a deep breath. A thread of sunlight fell into the room through a gap in the curtains, illuminating a cherry red guitar that was propped up against the wall. Stretching his muscled arms over his head, he yawned and then realised the actual time. Only 5. He thought. Might as well make the most of a quiet house. Lucas flung his legs over the side of his super king-size bed and padded out of the room.


 Downstairs in the gleaming state-of -the-art kitchen, Ash Rowell was engaged in a violent argument with the butler, Thomas Parker.

“I’m serious, I can make my own pancakes. I’m not an imbecile!”

“I was not doubting your cooking skills or your intelligence, Sir, but it is my job to serve the young masters of this house. Thomas replied, dryly. Ash was prone to attacking like a cornered fox when provoked in any way so Parker, seeing his fists begin to clench, gave in and granted him access to the kitchen.

“As you wish, sir “ he said bowing low.

“Yeah, I wish” Ash mumbled. 

Ash Rowell was 17 years old and a black belt in every martial art in the world. He was also an excellent cook. As he flipped pancakes his cousin, Lucas came into the room rubbing his eyes and sniffing the air.

“As much as I love you sweet melodies voice, Ash,” he said “Do you have to have an argument with Thomas this early?” Ash grunted and slid a pancake onto a plate on the breakfast table. Drizzling lemon on his breakfast, Lucas regarded his cousin in silence. He was tall and his hair was light brown. Even from behind, Lucas could see the sorrow that was causing Ash to stoop slightly. He began picking at his pancake as he remembered Ash as a young boy. He was always smiling or attempting to bring a loving relative to the ground with a newly learnt move. A far cry from the Ash today. They were both silent for a pause and then,

“What time is the funeral?” Lucas asked. Ash’s shoulders dropped as he let out a sigh.

“10am.” he said, quietly.

“I know that Jasper and I were going to go with you,” Lucas said. “but if you want some time alone then we can stay.”

“No.” Ash replied as he turned to face Lucas. “it will only be Mum’s family there pretending that they care what happened to her. I don’t want to be stared at on my own. Even if I do have to be stared at with that pretty boy, Jasper!”

"Fair enough.” Lucas replied stuffing half a pancake into his mouth. Ash nodded and went back to his pancake flipping.

As Lucas began to sip his coffee, a zombie-like figure appeared at the door of the kitchen. Jasper padded in with his eyes half closed. He swayed slightly, holding onto a chair for support.

“Morning Jasper.” Lucas said giggling like a small girl. He waved a hand in front of Jasper’s eyes and when he didn’t respond he turned and grinned at Ash.

“He’s still fast asleep, lets draw on his face in permanent pen.” Ash rolled his eyes.

“I’m not attacking him while he’s still asleep.” he said. “ Apart from the fact that its not honourable, he’s also really violent when woken up.” Lucas ignored him and crept to where Jasper stood swaying. As he drew closer, Jasper brought his foot up to Lucas’s chest, opened his eyes and sent Lucas flying across the kitchen.

“Morning Lucas.” he said, helping himself to a cartoon of juice in the fridge. Lucas groaned as he untangled himself from a pile of kitchen chairs.

“Told you so.” Ash muttered. Jasper tucked his golden locks behind his ear and gracefully lowered himself into Lucas’s chair.

“Now, now, Jasper we mustn’t kick people.” Lucas tutted from his sitting position on the floor. Remarkably he was unhurt, but then again Lucas did seem to have a strange ability to escape unhurt from almost any situation. Jasper ignored him and turned to Ash who had sat down opposite him.

“Thomas has pressed your suit for you and there is an ironed shirt in Lucas’s room.” he said, sipping Lucas‘s coffee.

“WHAT!!, I’m not wearing a suit.” Ash yelled in horror. “I can’t breath in them.” Lucas stood up and brushed himself off.

“What are you planning to wear instead?” He asked.

“Jeans and a t-shirt, suits are to stuffy and anyway it’s only going to be a small funer-” He didn’t finish because at that moment, Jasper had slapped him hard around the head.

“Have some respect, Ash, this is the funeral for your parents.”

“I swear I’m going to kill you for that, Jas.” Ash snarled. “It’s time you accepted defeat.”

“I will never be defeated.” Ash replied coolly. “But I’d like to see you try.” He smiled as Ash launched himself over the table at Jasper. But Jasper was up and out of the way before Ash was even close. As Ash thumped heavily onto the table, Jasper swiftly placed Ash’s arms behind his back and held them with one hand. The other hand grasped Ash’s light brown hair and smashed the side of his face into the table. He snarled and thrashed. Jasper just shook his head.

“Like I said. Undefeated. He said quietly. Jasper released his grip and disappeared upstairs. Ash lay on the table breathing heavily.

“Why,” He groaned. “Why does he always beat me before I can even lay a punch?!” Lucas sighed deeply and looked at his cousin.

“One day, Ash, one day you will beat him.”

End of Chapter One.

There will be more to come so hang on in there. :) See you next time.

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