Chapter 9

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Ken's P.O.V

I try to sleep, exhausted after Elysium. I love the Starlights so damn much! These six years have the best ones of my life. Auditioning for VIXX was the greatest thing I ever did in my life. I never thought I would see these people again after graduation. But I did, and I'm happy. Ravi and I talked about the past only once, when Hakyeon apologized for what he did. So, Ravi was never really at fault. But now I can't look at him like that anymore, because he's my brother, my family. I'll never look at him like that.

But I can never deny the stupid fact that I love him. In my heart, I still belong to him. He's my Wonshik, my Ravi.

But I hate him for the pain he caused. And I'll never go back to him.

Ravi's P.O.V

I walk over to Ken's room and knock. He opens the door groggily, and yawns. 'What up?'

'Hey, can I come in?'

'Sure.' We sit on his bed, and I look at his cute face. I want those lips to be mine again. 'Ken, um, I was wondering if we could pick up where we left off.'


'I'm still in love with you, idiot.'

His eyes shrink. 'But...'

'I love you, Jaehwan. And it'd be so nice if we could...'

'I'm not doing that, no.'

Everything begins to freeze around me. 'What do you mean?'

'I got my heart broken once. I'm not gonna let that happen again. So, I would appreciate it if you would never ask me again. Please leave.'

I do so, holding back my tears. There's only one way I can do that. I knock on Leo's door. 'What?' He looks annoyed. But I do it anyway.

'Hyung, I was wondering if we could write a song together. You can compose it.'

He smiles. 'Yeah? Sounds nice. What do you wanna call it?'

I hesitate before saying, 'The Romance is over.'

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