Chapter 28

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"Ems do you think its the right decision to meet her?" Matt asks me as he packs my bag for me. The doctor discharged me this evening, telling me that I have to come here again for a check up after a week. I'm glad I don't have to spend the night here anymore. I never liked hospitals.

"I need to get a closure Matt. For the both of us." I tell him, sitting on the bed while I wait for Matt.

I can't help but notice that Lucas is missing, after the Officers had left, he followed them out with Matt. He never came back in. I wonder if he had left for New York already.

"I understand. But I'm going with you." Matt says sternly.

"Okay." I know Matt is just worried about me, so I won't deny it if he wants to accompany me.

I requested to meet her at the police station because honestly I'm scared to meet her at any other place without the protection of someone. So I thought the police station would be the best since the security there can be trusted.

"I'm done with your bags." Matt tells me, beginning to stand up. I follow him to the car and we begin to leave.

"Matt can you take me to your place instead?" I ask him. I'm not sure I want to go back my house just yet. I know if I go there I'll only be reminded of the things that happened in the past.

"Of course. I was about to take you anyway. Besides Lucas is also going to be there." He says.

"What? No! Why is he staying at your place?" I ask him in disbelief.

"Why are you getting all worked up? Would you rather have him stay at your place?" He scrunches his brows, turning to look at me. "He doesn't know anyone else here Ems."

"Yeah I understand. Its just that he makes me nervous whenever he's around." I admit to Matt. Its true. No matter how hard I try to deny the truth, fact is that I'm in love with him. With all his flaws and arrogance, I love him. But I'm not sure he does so this is why I've been trying to avoid him.

Matt smirks. "I know."

"Know what? And why do you look so amused?" I narrow my eyes at him. He looks like he just found out the biggest secret of mine.

"Ems and Lucas sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Matt begins to sing.

I swat at his arm, gasping. "Real mature!"

He laughs at me, still singing. I can't help the smile that's slowly creeping up to my face. This is Matt for you, making light of everything. And I don't ever want him to change.

When we arrive at Matt's house, Janet welcomes me with a hug.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you pack your things. I finished my shift yesterday." She says.

"Its okay. Matt helped me." I tell her.

"See Mom? I'm useful when I want to be." Matt boasts, coming to stand beside me.

Janet rolls her eyes at his son. "But you're useless most of the time. Especially at home!"

I laugh at their bickering, this is how its always been. They would have these light quarrels with each other most of the time. Sometimes I envy the relationship they maintain with each other.

"Guys I think I'm gonna lie down." I tell them, cutting them off from their bantering.

"Yes you should. I'm sorry we're being a bad host." Janet chuckles. "Matt take her upstairs. I'll call you down when dinner is ready okay?" She says and leaves for the kitchen.

"Ems you're gonna need a change of clothes right? I'll go and fetch them for you. I'll inform your dad that you're staying here for the time being as well." Matt tells me.

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