Chapter 14

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Lucas's POV

Samantha pulls me away from Amelia, and lets go of my hand once we reach the corner.

"Who is she, Luke?" She says her voice laced with anger.

I swear if I hadn't been so annoyed with Amelia and her stupid boyfriend, I'd tell her off right then and there.

"None of your fucking business." I spat at her. I've had enough of her for the past two years. Had she not been the vice chairman of Adams & co., I'd have ended things with her a lot sooner. Adams & co. were one of our biggest investors, so I needed her.

She doesn't seem to mind my language. "Ugh don't tell me she's one of your coworkers. So you're screwing her and paying her? She's practically a whore. That's low, even for you Luke." She crossed her arms across her chest.

I take a deep breath and remind myself its not wise to hit a woman. "You would know since that's how you got your promotion huh?" I smirk.

Her nostrils flare in anger but I can see she's trying hard to control it. "Luke, I know those type of girls okay? They only want you for your money. They don't give a damn about you. Its your status they're after." She puts her hands on my chest.

"Stop it!" I throw her hands away from me. "I know exactly what you're doing. No matter what you say or do, I'm never getting back together with you. And don't you dare talk shit about Amelia. She's everything you will never be." I seethe and turn to leave.

"Luke!" She whines and steps in front of me.

"Get the hell away from me!" I'm not sure why I'm so pissed off, whether its from talking to Samantha or its about Amelia. But I could hit someone right now. Samantha pupils dilate when she sees how angry I am, and steps back immediately.

This night is going all wrong. I was supposed to attend the Gala with Amelia, but my ego beat me to it. So I'm here alone when I should've been with her. If I hadn't been pissed off about that jerk, I would've invited her myself. So when I saw her cry on his shoulders the other day, I felt jealous of him. I mean I'm Lucas Anderson, I never get jealous. Of anyone. Or anything.

"Uh Lucas right?" Someone taps me on my shoulder. I turn to look who it is. Its that jerk.

"Yeah. What do you want?" I glare at him.

"I'm Matt. I came with Amelia, remember?" He doesn't seem to be intimidated by me.

"I remember. So?" I say, I'm really not interested in him.

"I can't find Amelia anywhere. Have you seen her around? She said she was gonna talk to you but I haven't seen her since." He says looking concerned.

"What do you mean you can't find her? She was by the front table." I point towards the front table but I only see strangers getting a drink. I thought I left her there.

"I checked everywhere. She's not here." He says now looking even more worried.

Now I am worried. Where the hell could she be? She wouldn't leave without her boyfriend, that's for sure.

"Have you tried calling her cell?" I ask him.

"Yeah no answer." He shakes his head.

"Shit. Alright I'll look for her around the Garden. You see if she's inside the hall." I tell him and leave.

I rush past the people standing around having conversations, I look around but see no sign of her. Now I'm starting to freak out, she doesn't even know a lot of people here. A lot of scenarios plays in my head that leaves me all the more worried. I head towards the Garden's passage, I don't know where it leads but I head towards it anyway. The lights on the bushes and the trees allows me to see clearly. I follow the bushes that trails along the flower beds and comes to a stop near a lake. The water sparkles as it reflects the lights hanging on the bushes and the trees.

I notice a figure sitting beside the lake, relief flushes over me when I see that its Amelia. I see her throwing pebbles at the lake. Her face is reflected by the water and she looks absolutely beautiful. Her dress is showing all her curves, and she looks sexy as hell, no one would look better even if they tried. I rush to her and sit down beside her.

"Amelia, where the hell have you been? We've been looking for you." I ask her.

She takes a look at me briefly but looks forward at the water again. "No one cares if I'm gone or not." She sighs and takes a sip from the champagne bottle she's holding.

I'm sure there's a lot more meaning behind that but I ignore it for the time being. "I care." I softly whisper, praying she wouldn't hear me.

She snaps her head towards me and looks at me intently. "No, you don't. You said so yourself."

"And you didn't even wanna go with me to the Gala." She gets up from the grass and fumbles a little.

I stand up and grab her arms to steady her. "You already had a date! What I supposed to say?"

"No, I didn't! I asked you if we could go together. But you talked about how you could get any girl you want and that hurts okay? I don't know why but it did!" She almost cries.

"Amelia I-" I don't know what it is about a woman crying but I never want to see a woman cry in front of me. It makes me feel weak.

"And you're back together with Samantha? I thought it was over! You know what I'm glad you guys are together. You deserve each other." She cuts me off.

That's it. She can't complain about Samantha when she's clearly the one who turned me down. She even brought his boyfriend here. "Then what about your boyfriend huh? You brought him here even when you knew I'd hate it." I yell. I don't know why I always get so angry whenever she's around.

She looks straight at me, her eyes flickering as if she's contemplating what she's about to say.

"He's not my boyfriend." She says so low, I could have imagined it. But I heard her.

"What did you say?" I turn her around to face me.

"I lied, okay? He's not my boyfriend. I was jealous when you said you could have any girl you wanted. I thought you liked me so I was jealous! Its stupid I know! I shouldn't have-" I shut her up by placing my lips on hers. I put my arms around her waist, and kiss her more intensely. I feel her body stiffen from the kiss but she relaxes eventually and kisses me back. She puts her arms around my neck, and releases a soft moan. Fuck if that isn't the hottest thing I've ever heard.

I finally break away and look at her. She's breathing heavily, looking into my eyes. "That was-" she says still breathing heavily.

"Yeah it was." I answer her. I know she's drunk and she'll probably hate me the next morning, but I couldn't refrain myself anymore.

"Why did you do that?" She furrows her brows, and tilts her head a little.

"Because I like you okay? I liked you the moment you walked through my door looking all nervous. I liked you when I caught you checking me out, and you blushed real hard." She chuckles at that. "I liked you when you always talk back to me and annoys the hell out of me. I like you okay, I do." I tell her.

She blushes, a smile spreading on her face. "You are such a jerk you know that." She smiles, the smile that I've grown to love so much.

"I know." I chuckle. "And you annoy the hell out of me too." I tease her.

She laughs at that, she shakes her head at me and says, "I get a feeling I might be in a lot trouble."

"Oh you are trust me. Don't think your cute ass can get away this time." She gasps at that.

"Language!" She yelps. I chuckle at her innocence. Only she would scold me about cursing.

"You look beautiful by the way." I smile at her.


Okay who else is in love with Lucas? I know I am! Lol. I'm fanning over a character of my own creation, pathetic, I know.

Thanks to everyone reading this. I love you all so much. Xoxo

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