Before the Party

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Note: (s/n) = sister's name

It was March 21st, exactly five weeks from the day Kuroko finally decided to tell all his current and former basketball teammates that you two had been dating for two years. Today was also the day Akashi Seijuro invited everyone over to his mansion for a congratulations party of your relationship with Kuroko. You just finished curling your (h/c) hair when you heard the doorbell ring. Knowing who it was, you slammed down the curling iron, ran out of your bedroom wearing the sparkly sky blue dress Kuroko had bought for you for this day. You picked up the bottom of your dress and went as fast as you could down the stairs to the front door. But before you could open it, your little sister beat you to it.

"Huh? There's no one here." She said just as Kuroko swooped her up into his arms. She screamed.

"Ghost! (f/n) a ghost has me, help!" She started to cry. Kuroko gently lay her up against his chest and patted her head softly.

"There, there (s/n). No need to be afraid. It's just me, Kuroko-nii." He said gently smiling with his blue eyes sparkling into her (e/c) teary eyes. When she realized who it was, she clung onto him, giggling.

"Kuroko-nii!" She looked up smiling widely as he brought his nose to hers giving her Eskimo kisses, making her giggle. Seeing this made you happy. He would make a great father. You shook your head blushing wildly. No, no, no! That's a long ways away from now! While distracted by these future thoughts, Kuroko gave you a kiss on the lips with your little sister still in his arms.

"You look beautiful." He said to you, his gentle smile as warm as ever. Your sister suddenly grabbed Kuroko's face and kiss him on the lips which surprised him. She looked up at him and pouted in his arms when he pressed his slender finger on her lips.

"Ah ah ah (s/n). Save that for your boyfriend when you get older." He said to her with a soft but firm tone to his voice. She frowned.

"Kuroko-nii, you're acting just like my daddy! He always tells me what to do like that! Hmph!" Your little sister whined as she attempted to cross her arms, struggling with which one to put over the other.

"Here, let me help you." Kuroko said while using his free hand to guide her arms into the right position.

"There!" He said as the frown lifted off of her face. She smiled and started to giggle.

"What? I thought you were mad at me." Kuroko said gently nuzzling her nose with his. She laughed even harder, then finally coming to a stop. She put her pointer finger on his chest.

"I can't stay mad at you sexy!" She said really loud. Kuroko snapped his head back in sheer shock.

"(s/n)! That was very inappropriate! Where did you learn that?" You raised your voice, grabbing your little sister from Kuroko's arms then gently setting her down.

"I'm sorry about that Tetsuya. She didn't mean that." You said putting your hands on his shoulders, shaking him a little to get him out of his shock.

"Yes I did. Don't you say stuff like that to him (f/n)?" Your little sister said looking up at you, crossing her arms perfectly thanks to Kuroko. You looked down at your little sister, face blushing madly.

"Mom!" You yelled upstairs. The door to your parents' bedroom opened with your mom hurrying down stairs as fast as she could being seven months pregnant with your soon-to-be brother.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asked you, not noticing Kuroko standing right next to you. Before you could say anything, Kuroko butted in.

"Hello Mrs. (l/n)." Kuroko said, startling her.

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