25. He's got himself a cheerleader

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He's got himself a cheerleader

Chapter 25:

"This must be the best churros that I've ever had." I sigh in happiness, ignoring the powdered sugar all over my face. Even though I went to the park for a run, a churro won't kill me. I take another bite before plugging my earphones in my ears as the sugar hits my taste buds, I moan in pleasure.

As I walk, I feel my leg brush against an object causing me to nearly fall to my death. Well, almost death. I would've died. "Ow!" The shrill voice makes me look down at the little girl on the ground with tears in her eyes. Please don't cry, I beg silently as I watch her look at her arm which looks a bit scratched and red.

She looks up at me with her black orbs full of rage. " You could've killed me. I need payment," she hisses, stretching her tiny pale hand out while her other hand sassily rests on her hip.

Being blackmailed by a kid isn't something that I thought could ever happen to me.

I laugh uncomfortably as the girl's stony eyes are dead serious without a sparkle of humour in them. She must be about ten or eleven. "Uh, what do you want? Money?" I stutter as I ruffle my shorts for a dollar when her expression remains the same.

She sways her hip to a side. "I don't need money, I'll just have that," she states simply, pointing to the snack in me hand. I stare at her smirking lips in shock as I feel mine quiver in response. Now this is just cruel, the lady at the counter just sold me their last piece of the day.

"B-but.. I've bitten it," I weakly argue, clutching the warm treat against my chest protectively.

The cute girl stomps her foot, her sparkly pink ballets nearly kick my legs as she jumps up and down." But I want it," she cries stubbornly and I sigh. "I will call my-"

"There's no need to scream." I panic as her eyes well up with tears. "There, here you go. Now don't cry." I hand it over with a heavy heart and her whole face lights up like the lights on a Christmas tree. I looks around to see if her mom or dad is around. "Where is your mom?" I ask her, worried about her being by herself. Then again, kidnappers would have a hard time managing this kid.

"Yuri!!" I hear an all too familiar voice pant before pulling the girl into a tight embrace. "Where did you run off to? I was so worried. Don't do that again," he scolds her firmly before glancing up at me. "Did this lady do anything weird to you?" He asks in a voice loud enough for me to hear, laced with sarcasm as I stare at the siblings in shock. His sister?

"I should've guessed she was yours," I huff, recovering quickly and cross my arms against my chest and give him a long hard stare as I ignore the erratic beating of my heart. Sarcasm and blackmail- only one person has the talent to do both.

"What do you have there?" Kai asks his sister who happily takes a bite of my powdery goodness. Why does this happen to me? Just why?

"This lady gave me some as copestaion," she declares proudly pointing at me before offering her brother a piece.

"Compensation Yuri," he corrects her. "And don't mind if I do." He smugly looks at my mouth watering before taking a big bite.

"Lady." She tugs my shorts and stares at me with wide puppy dog eyes. "What's your name?" she curiously asks as she bats her eyelashes prettily.

"My name's Claire," I reply with a small smile. Maybe this kid isn't so bad after all.

"Claire," she slowly says with her mouth curled into a small radiant little smile as she adjusts the bright pink satin bow on her tight bun. "I'll need two doughnuts, a truffle, a sundae and gummy bears," she rattles off continuously without a breath.

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