To Thrive

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To Thrive

A white door broadened as the sound of the gun shot went off. "Boom" Gerry took his mark and got ready to pace. "I can do this, I can do this" he whispered impatiently to himself. He was in the middle of a race, not just any race, but the race of his dreams, he always dreamt of winning the gold medal and taking first place. Gerry closed his eyes steadily and took a heavy sigh, he tried ignoring the sound of people yelling and cheering over the competitors. "On your marks, get ready. And go."

~ ~ ~

A bright light flashed. "Gerry, Gerry, Gerry" A little voice awakened Gerry. It was his brother, Tom. Once again, everything that had happened was a dream. "Are we going to go for a run again?" Tom whimpered whilst jumping on and off Gerry's bed. "I don't think. Well, not today buddy" Gerry hopped out of the bed as he rubbed Tom's head. He felt disappointed in the fact that his dreams of becoming a champion in racing were really just... dreams. A race track, a crowd cheering, the sound of the gunshot going off and Gerry pacing to the finish line to reach his goal... The thought of it astonishes Gerry.

"Do you ever think you'll race again, after what happened?" Tom said in a tiny voice as he sympathized for Gerry. "I lost. All I ever do is lose, Tom. Don't keep trying your chances when you know it won't work. In the end, we end up disappointed, Alright kiddo?" Tom didn't agree with what he had to say. If Gerry was only self-pitying, Tom felt the conversation would go nowhere. "I don't agree, Gerry. If it wasn't for the first man on the face of this earth to ever try his chance of creating the first ever made light-bulb, this room would be a dark place. But, he took the risk and went with it, didn't he?" Gerry was amazed on what an 11 year old could perhaps say. But, that didn't quite persuade him to give it a try. He failed before, he couldn't fail again. He didn't want to disappoint himself and have to accept the fact that his dream would be nothing more than just a dream. It gave him a feeling of negation.

~ ~ ~

A white door broadened steadily. A race track right in front of the competitors on their marks, and a crowd cheered loudly. Gerry took a deep breath as he looked around at the other competitors and pulled on his hair. He grabbed for his water bottle and prepared before the sound of the gunshot. Tom was watching, he always looked up to his brother, and this day was a day to be proud of him for being in the race today, he always knew he wanted to be like him when he's older, a racer, not just that but someone who's willing to take a bold risk to only experience a dream that's finally reality. "On your marks... Get ready..." Gerry closed his eyes and opened them, "Boom". He finally raced towards the finish line, a crowd cheering loudly, he thrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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