hi dudes and dudettes

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In this book am talking about how my books are doing and what are my plans or past .It is basically my life in a book

I have a book about that but I deleted it and going to start a new and am not taking it as random but a little bit professional but not to much because I don't like that

To put it simple this book will show how much a making progress about this account and the books but I will also add some to-get-to-know-the-author a bit more

Also if u want to work with me or just simply want to be my friend I will tell u about my Facebook (if your hesitant or not sure about me then u can always talk to my watt account) and if u have troubles u can ask me for some answer

But be aware am kinda bit busy but talking to you readers I can make a exception for my work because am probably just sitting on the couch think what should I do and what should I add so yeah

That's all byes

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