chapter 23.

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Isaac and I cleaned up the damage that had been done to my bedroom while my father contacted the police station. I am a wreck. I am on edge. I am not ready for what could happen. I can't stop thinking about it. Why would someone do this? Was it me that they were after or Isaac? Maybe they don't want me with anyone? My mind can't process this and I've been panicking for the past hour and a half.

As we clean up the glass from the floor, Isaac hums a song and it soothes me to a point. He throws the glass away and I sit down on the bed. I feel him sit beside me and put his arm around me, pulling me into him. I've never felt so safe in a persons arms before but Isaac has changed that. He has made me happy and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"For what?"

"Helping me. You didn't have to do that but you did. You're the best boyfriend ever."

"I am?" He asks.

"You are, Isaac. You really are."

"Well, you're the best girlfriend. So, it all works out." He says back and kisses the top of my head.

My dad enters the room with two hot chocolates and sits them on my table.

"Those are for you and Isaac."

"Okay, thanks. You didn't have to." I say.

"Well, I know you're in a tough spot right now. Hopefully, some hot chocolate will do a little fixing. I called the sheriffs department, by the way!" He says while sitting at the computer.

"What'd they say?"

"Sheriff Stilinski and some others will be here tomorrow."

"Stiles' dad." Isaac says.

"Well, we left some stuff on the desk that had been torn off, so hopefully that'll work." I say while taking a drink of the hot chocolate and hand Isaac his.

"I hope." My dad says and gets up. "Until then, we'll just keep an eye out for something."

"Okay, thank you."

"Of course, dear. I'm going to go downstairs. I have a friend coming over tonight, is that okay?" He asks.

"Of course it's fine." I laugh and he does the same and dismisses himself from my room.

I lay down and Isaac sits his drink on the bed and crawls in behind me. He wraps his arm around my waist and uses his other hand to play with my hair. He leaves soft kisses on my shoulder every once in awhile. He's the best person to easily be around and be happy. He takes the cover and pulls it over us. Eventually, he stops playing with my hair and I turn over to look at him. He has fallen asleep. I cuddle against him and do the same.


"You have a week to do what I ask you, or everyone you love will die." The man behind the mask says to me. "I mean it." He yells and causes me to flinch.

"What do you want from me?!" I scream back.

"You know exactly what I want, Ashlyn."

"No, I don't!"

"Oh... But, you do." He lets out a loud laugh and walks closer to me. "If it's not done in a week, I will kill everyone you love and make sure I torture you." He yells in my face and walks away. Leaving me chained until he returns.


I jump up out of my sleep. My heart practically trying to beat out of my chest. Isaac is still sleeping which is a good thing, I'm sure he needs it. I slept for three hours and I could sleep some more but I'm being haunted in my dreams now by a man who wants something from me. I'm sure it's not a big deal, but the voice of the man sounds so familiar but I can't seem to place who it is. I ignore it and go to my laptop, emailing my mother and checking my mail.

I decide a shower would be best and calm some nerves. I grab some lounge pants and a t-shirt and go to the bathroom. I quickly shower, trying not to spend too much time that isn't needed to be spent in here. I brush my hair and teeth then go back out to my room. Isaac is still sleeping, so I decide I'm going to go get some food before my dads guest arrives.

My dad was making dinner but I told him to just keep that for whoever was coming here. I grabbed a bag of chips and two sodas for Isaac and I.

I went back upstairs, where Isaac was still sleeping. I let out a small laugh ad decided to watch tv. I drunk my soda and ate some chips while watching a movie about a woman killing her husband. So weird, I don't even know why I'm watching this.

I hear Isaac let out what sounds like a whimper but I ignore it because it looks like he just turned over on his other side.

A minute later, his body was thrashing quickly and he was repeating the word "no" over and over. I quickly made my way over to him and shook his shoulder.


"Isaac wake up." I repeat myself over and over until finally he wakes up, sweating and out of breath. He looks around the room as if making sure he's in reality and not his dream anymore. He wraps me in his arms and I rub his back to calm him down.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"I'm okay, I think." He says, not sounding confident at all.

"I had a bad dream, too."

"You did? Of what?" He says and I part from our hug. I look at him and his eyes search my face.

"A guy. A guy in a mask. He told me if I didn't give him what he wanted, he'd kill everyone I love, but torture me."

"What? I... I had a dream similar to that. But the man in the mask was with my dad." He says.

"That's really weird... Maybe it's a coincidence?"


"Well, I brought some chips up here and a soda for you." I say while handing him the bag and his drink.

"Thank you." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

Isaac and I decided to watch tv. I was still pretty confused about the dream now. First, I thought it was just a dream, but Isaac had the same one? Was it really a coincidence? What if it's a sign?

"Babe?" Isaac says softly, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I look at him.

"Everything's going to be fine, I'll protect you. I promise." He says and leans in to kiss me. Our lips connect instantly and the feeling of his lips against mine will never get old. We both pull away.

I lay my head on his chest and listen to the faint sound of his heartbeat to keep my mind off of the events that have happened today.


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