"But, my lady, my king-"

"I said sit down!" Sanit exclaimed.

Elisabete panicked and rushed to the seat in front of her. She sat down across from Sanit and placed the pen and paper on the table before placing her hands in her lap. Sanit scoffed as she observed Elisabete sitting before her. She sat slumped forward with her head down facing her lap.

"Stand up straight. It's not good for your posture...or your breasts." Sanit told her.

Elisabete furrowed her brow as she did what she was told.

"I've wasted my life on one man, Elisabete. For a king, he is gullible. He'll believe anything I say because he loves me. Funny thing love is. One day it's here, and then the next...it's gone. Poof! Just like that. I love him too. I love him with all my heart. I'd never betray him. Just because what they say about me doesn't mean I'll turn my back on him. It hurts when his eye strays from me. It hurts me to see him eye another beautiful woman. Do you know what it's like?" Sanit explained to her.

Elisabete was taken aback by her confession and shook her head in response.

"What? Have you never loved anyone before?" Sanit inquired.

"No, my lady. The only love I bear for anyone is towards my family...and my king." Elisabete spoke hesitantly.

"Please, there must be someone you love. You're young and naive. Surely, you love someone like I do." Sanit chuckled.

"No, my lady, I'm afraid not." Elisabete replied.

"Seriously?" Sanit scoffed.

"Yes. There is a man in my village who has expressed his love towards me but, I do not love him that way. He's only a friend to me." Elisabete admitted.

"You're not getting any younger. Look at me. Look at where love got me, Elisabete. Seven years worth of love for one man, and here I am, unmarried, old, and desperately trying to keep the love of my man. Sometimes, love isn't worth it when it comes to marriage, Elisabete. If a man proposes marriage to you, you should just accept it. Love will get you nowhere, Elisabete. You're too beautiful and naive for love. Love would kill you. It would burn you like hellfire." Sanit explained to her.

Elisabete had no idea how to react to what Sanit was saying. She was more confused than ever. She didn't understand why Sanit, a woman who she barely knew, would tell her to marry.

"That's why it's always nice to have a little fun before you mature." Sanit giggled.

"My king said to ask you what food you wish to have at the feast." Elisabete mentioned.

"I told you we have all day to discuss my celebration plans. I want to take this time to get to know you. I will be staying here with Loki in Asgard and I'd like to get to know our personal maid." Sanit told her.

Elisabete nodded her head and watched as Sanit poured her a drink. She handed her the glass and Elisabete took it, quickly checking to make sure it was no alcohol.

"Loki tells me you have never do bad deeds." Sanit commented.

"Yes, my lady?" Elisabete asked.

"Why is that? Do you wish to not have a little fun in your life?" Sanit scoffed.

"My village raises our children to stick to our beliefs and to never commit a sin. We only commit good deeds to please the gods in hopes that we will be accepted into Valhalla. Being a good person isn't bad, my lady. I enjoy being good. At the end of the day, you're rewarded for it." Elisabete told her.

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