S e v e n: "Kill me, please."

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Getting up in the morning used to be the hardest thing for me, getting up, just to be yelled at and sent back to bed. It was like a never ending cycle that I was trapped in, and it was going on replay and I couldn't control it. But now, now I can control what happens, I have more control on the reigns of my life. I've jumped onto my rightful horse, the horse that's for once not taking me in the wrong direction.

I smiled to myself, I'm finally free. Wrapping my dressing gown tighter around me, I opened the french doors to the breathtaking view of the Kingdom and stepped onto the cold stone balcony, overlooking the majority of the Palace, and landscape leading into the Villages. "What're you thinking of?" Startled, I looked down at the courtyard, seeing the Prince himself, standing below my balcony. "Why are you out here?" I asked, leaning forward on my elbows, to get a better view of him. "Early morning bow practice? I need all the help I can get with bows or my father will have my head hanging over the fireplace in the north wing drawing room." I rolled my eyes at his idiocy. "He couldn't do that. He'd surely wouldn't be able to do that. It'd ruin his image as the King of Healind." Now it was Harry's turn to roll his eyes. "Oh, so you would have to do the job and assassinate me, get paid by my father in millions of pounds then disappear so no would be suspicious of you as Prince Harry's assassin." Now he was just being beyond ridiculous.

(A/N: "I want a live squid." ~academyboyz Lel.)

"Shut up, and get to bow practice. Your highness." He scowled at me, and picked up his bow, and his quiver of arrows and marched toward the target practice ground, and looked back, smirking. Then he shouted at me. "Whatever you say, Princess." He taunted, making me, this time, scowl at him. Without waving or saying goodbye, I walked back into my room and surprised to find a dress laying on my bed, with some shoes on the ground below it. There was a note laying on top of the dress that read: Wear this tonight, Harry will love it. -Skye ;) Xxx

I couldn't help my face from flushing red. I ripped the note up, throwing it away, before taking the dress and walking into my bathroom to try it on. When I had finally gotten the beautiful light pink ball gown on, I stood there just staring at my reflection... The girl in the mirror looked just like her old self. The one that wasn't allowed to wear anything but dresses and ball gowns. The one that hated her old life, and is now dressing like it. "I knew that dress would look amazing on you." I almost jumped out of my skin, but when I turned around to see Skyla there, I immediately calmed down. "Jesus, Skye. You really need to stop sneaking around!" I exclaimed, putting my hands over my face and rubbing them up and down. Then walked over to the sink to splash some cold water onto my face. "I can't! It comes naturally to me..." She smiled sheepishly at me, while I rolled my eyes at her.

I ignored whatever else she said, and stood in front of the full sized mirror in my bedroom area. "This was my mum's. It was the dress she first wore when she met my father. And she was actually the one that suggested for you to wear this dress. But also, I wore it to my first ball as well." She started to trail off, staring out the window. "Oh, are you sure? It doesn't feel right, knowing that this is a special heirloom in your family." I had to bite back my tongue from saying that this wasn't my first ball, or she'd surely be suspicious of me.

"Don't worry about it, but there's also another thing..." Her eyes kept flickering across the room, avoiding any eye contact with me. But before I could even spew out any words of disagreement, she pulled a crown out from the satchel she somehow slipped passed me. "Harry and I.. We had someone make this for you, it's made with real diamonds, so hopefully you don't lose it." I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm. "Well, miss sarcastic, just you saying that makes me want to lose it," I smirked when she stuck her tongue out at me.

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