F o u r: The Palace.

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I had always wondered what it would be like to travel, being free and roaming the land, being free of everything that life throws at me every second and every minute of every day. But it seems like luck is particularly not on my side.

The ride to the palace was ridiculous, every time I tried to ask why I was being taken in, the guards would silence me. I wanted to, oh so desperately wanted to shoot every single on of them in the head with my bow. But I just had to leave the damn thing at home. Even though I was sure they wouldn't have let me bring it in the first place. I had one guard sitting in the back of the carriage with me, to 'make sure I didn't escape', the guard had explained that to me when he was forced by his to companions in the front. I felt bad but was also annoyed. Like, what if I wanted to sleep? I didn't want some random guy watching me. That's why I felt safer with my bow on me. 

It's been only half a day since I had been taken away from my home, and we're still on our way to the palace. It takes 2 day's to get to the palace by carriage, and 5 days by foot, that's one of the reasons, now that I've had time to think about it, why I was so confused on how, or why Prince Harry was in the forest. The Kingdom is split into split into 4 sections:

1) The palace, that is on top of the hill. (Upper class, aka the most heavily guarded place in the damn Kingdom).

2) The middle class.

3) The lower class, (Where I was.)

4) And the even lower class. (The people that are so poor that can barely afford anything at all).

It's horrible, but every Kingdom has it. And all of the sections in the Kingdom have 30 villages in each of them, except for the palace. That's just one big castle that takes up most of the land in the Kingdom. So, as you can see, the Healind Kingdom is quite big and spreads over miles, and miles of land. But Rosewood is still twice as big, and that's why even to this day I'm still surprised no one had seen me sneak out of my room. There were always guards patrolling the ground, of the courtyard below my room. I guess that day, I had gotten lucky. But I guess my luck has run out. Because whatever the real reason for me being taken into custody is, I have a feeling I'm not going to like it, not one bit.

Every movement was felt, every bump and crack in the road you could feel it. I was surprised I hadn't vomited yet. The guard in front of me looked unfazed by everything in the world, he had the deepest scowl on his face. It was so deep that you could've possibly filled it with water and swam a boat around in it. I was trying to start some small talk with him, but he'd only stare in my direction and look away. It was almost as if he was hiding something.

"You don't talk much, do you?" I questioned, looking down at my lap and fumbling with the hem of the apron I was still wearing from Martha's bakery. Martha.. It hadn't been that long and I already missed her constant matchmaking. The lady did always use to get on my nerves half of the time, but I was twice as bad as her. "It's none of your concern, lady." He said, sneering at me. I grinned. "Well, sir. I'd like to know the real reason behind all of these shenanigans," I paused trying to think of what else to say before a thought had come into mind. "How much had Prince Harry paid you to come for me? 1 million euros? Or half, I don't really know his standards." I accusingly wondered while the man sat in front of me quite baffled.

"Princess--" I smirked. "Aha! So I was right, Harry found out my identity. How lovely. Did my mum and father set him up to this? Are they waiting for me at the palace?" I kept rambling after his slip, how dumb are these palace guards? Especially to make this big of a slip-up. Still, with a satisfied smirk on my face, I turned my head back in his direction. "Don't worry, I won't pester you any longer. I have more beef with the Prince." I gave him a smile, with a hint of sarcasm in my voice and manner. We didn't say anything more after that. We still had a day and a half until we reached the palace, and I couldn't wait to be able to walk on the ground again. Being held up in this damn hell hole for 3 and a half days could drive you insane, and I'm on the brink of becoming it.

Into The Forest || Harry Styles FanFic|| AU Discontinued Watty's 2017Where stories live. Discover now