Bloody Tea

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She fell fast, her small skinny pale legs were waving uncontrollably. One thing after another they smacked againat a piano or smashed against mid air falling plates of china. She kept going a spun circles in mid air her long swooping blonde her hair was luscious and free was now being ripped apart piece by piece strand after stand. 

She screamed in agaony and scrunched up her face "OWWWW EEEEPPPP URGHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHH" 

She then turned to look at her flappy legs to find they were all bruised and cut blood trickled down her leg forming a pattern.

Even though she was falling she could see that the blood runnying down her legs was impossible.On closer inspection she watched the blood. It ooozed out slowly but spread fast rhe bright vibrant red looked good aginst her legs. Watching the blood it had started to spread out along her leg, Alice was in pain and felt very confused while she looked at her blood. 

The blood started to join in streaks and had starting forming letters Alice even though she was falling cooked her head to one side in amazement. Letter after letter began appearing while looking she read out each letter than appeared.

"L-O-O-K D-O-W-N" she thought of each letter. "Look down og my"  she turned to look down and noticed she was falling even faster at plumitting speed "shit she muttered" 

Suinting her eyes she continued to look down to see somthing sparkly. Each second she became closer and closer.

"what the hell is going on!" she was confused and dazed and still falling her legs battered and her scalp bleading she looked up to see the small orb of light at the top of the hole so far away then out of the cornor of her eye a tepot came shotting right at her and smaked her across the face. 

'Awww Hel......" she tried to talk but her lips went numb she tried to move but so was her body.She looked down and not so far away was a ooen box  it spaekled and shined Alice thought it was a box of glitter. 

She clenched her eyes shut and came crashing into the box with a thud and a squelsh.

Alice felt around it was dark the box was big enough only to fit her. It seems that the numbness has weared off. HER hands were wet she wasnt in glitter but water prhaps. She only just noticed that the smell was unbelievable putrid she couldnt even breathe. Suddenly she knew whay she was surrounded by. She screamed so loud it echoed all the way up the hole.

"EAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......." she felt like she was falling into the box deeoer and deepee her face atarted to be covered enough that it was almost like she was drowning. The liquid around her became thicker and thicker she tried to moved but realised this only made her sink more. 

In her last efforts she shouted and pleaded for help.

"SOMBODY HELP ME DAMNMIT WHAT EVEN IS THIS HEEELLLLOP" she let out a sigh she was definetly a gonnor. Closing her eyes she couls feel death he was coming so she greeted him he was nice and pleasent and took the pain away.

In an inatant she snapped out of it and the sounds of  footsteps,  her hand was slimy and numb but she could feel a alight tug. 

"Hel----p meee urgh"  she gulped thick liquid was now entering her mouth.

In the depths od darkness all that was dark became light like somone had just switched on a light switch.

The tug pulled at her and in one wuick movement her body was realised and she fell on the floor coffing and gagging.

Turning behind her to look at the box she was digusted by the contence she had fallen into a box of no not glitter but blood guts and gore,  eotten flesh and so many beheaded heads of children.

She backed up and screamed her nose hurting from the stench. Her once pale blue dress was now covered in blood from head  to toe. 

Looking up she realises that the hole was not a muddy hole as always but it was one long white tube the pianos the clocks funiture and teapots were all gone like they were never there.

She then realised she still had somone behind her she could hear rhe deep breaths.Standing up covered in blood she turned around. 

His eyes were the emerald green big and bold his pupils were like a cats and he wore a strange hat upon his head covered in all fabrics of all the colours and styles.HIs clorhes were tattered and torn he wore and waitcoat that had once been such a fine thing. 

Alice gazed in wonder unsure of what to do looking beside him she saw a laptop and a chair she swuinted in confusion.

"Welecome back to womderland"  the strange man smiled and took off his top hat. 

" I do say Alice but dont you think its time for some tea" with one hand he pulled a teapot from his hat and started poring the tea in the only it wasnt tea but blood. Alice tried to move but her legs were stick the came up to her and whispered 

"its the madhatter by the way"

Then in one swift movement he hit her over the head she fell and closed her eyes paralysed before hearing the distant maniac laughs of the madhatter.

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