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verb (used with object), execrated, execrating.
1. to detest utterly; abhor; abominate.
2. to curse; imprecate evil upon; damn; denounce.

It started with the need to eradicate genetic mutations. People who find out that their unborn child is going to inherit a life changing, life shortening disease generally want to get rid of it using any means possible. And so came the birth of genetic engineering, the ability to change a foetus' DNA, to make a more 'perfect' human being.

Eventually, for those who could afford genetic engineering, after all, it is one of the most expensive procedures money can buy, hereditary diseases and genetic mutation were completely wiped out. But it didn't stop there. By that time, fifty years after the first case of genetic engineering, the super rich could now pay to modify their child's appearance, intelligence, athletic abilities, strength, height, predetermined weight and a whole other range of things that makes a person unique.

What we ended up with was a super race. A race of humans immune to disease, a race of humans that cured cancer, solved the issue of global warming, won every single sporting event in the Olympics without even breaking a sweat. These super-humans passed on their genes to their children and now in the present day, two hundred years after the introduction of genetic engineering, the world's population has been divided into two sub-categories - the perfect monsters, and the 'Minority Under Government Genetic Law Enforcement' or muggles for short.

Genetic engineering has been on the decline for some time now, as everyone who could afford it has already paid for it, but the damage has already been done. Those who have not been genetically modified live in poverty, unable to find work due to the increase in technology that the new race have created for themselves. Unable to even afford healthcare, the life expectancy for people living in these conditions is about 38. For them, 114. The only way for your family to escape from the endless cycle of suffering is to marry one of the super-humans, but now to prevent that from happening it is illegal and punishable by death. Not that one of them would ever look at someone who wasn't as perfect as them anyway. They call us the execrated. Abominable, damned animals asking for the world and expecting them to hand it over.

It was if we had been cursed to utter damnation. Abhorred by the rest of the world, they cast us aside and forced us to suffer under the spell of silence.

My name is Harry Potter. I am 23 years old and have lived in the slums outside of London for the entirety of my life. Before my mother died, she told me that I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up.

She was a liar.

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