Whatever you need.

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"Becca. You gotta get up. We have to head to the airport." Harry whispered shaking my shoulder. 

"Okay, I'm up." I yawned rubbing my eyes. 

"Where are the guys?" I asked standing off the couch. 

"They all had earlier flights. So they're gone already." Harry explained and I nodded. 

"I'm gonna go get changed, then we can leave." I said then walked up to my room.

After applying a bit of makeup, I left my hair natural and threw on a pair of skinny jeans with a blue top. I slipped on brown boots, grabbed my purse and Louis Vuitton travel bags and headed down stairs to meet with Harry. 

"Ready." I smiled. 

"Are you going to call your parents and tell them you won't be home?" He questioned picking up one of my bags. 

"No, I have it set up so all the calls that go to my house phone come to my cell. They're the ones that left me alone. They should know, I'm not going to be sitting at home all vacation." I shrugged and he nodded. 

"Let's go then." Harry smiled at me. 

*At the airport* 

"Does your family know I'm coming?" I asked concerned as we waited for our plane. 

"Yeah, I call my mum last night and told her I was bringing someone that I wanted her to meet." He smiled. I smiled up at him. 

"Do you think we're moving too fast?" I asked concerned. 

"I don't know. Are you having second thoughts on coming with me?" He asked worrily. 

"No, it's just. I feel like we've just met and I'm already going to meet your family." I sighed. 

"They're going to love you. But if you're having second thoughts, I can bring you back home." He suggests. 

"No. I'm fine. Just promise me something." I started and he nodded. 

"Can we keep our relationship private? Not forever, but just until I feel ready to face you're fans and the media." I bit my lip looking at him. 

"Whatever you need. I want you to feel safe with me." He reassures. 

"Thanks." I smiled. 

'Now boarding. Flight 246 B.' was announced over the intercome. 

"That's us." Harry stood up and I did next to him. Since we had checkecd our bags all I had was my purse. We walked to the plane and sat down in first class. 

Before we knew it the plane took off. I put my head phones in and stared out the window. Harry did the same except fell asleep. I hate long plane rides.. 

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